Monday, September 17, 2007

Today I will walk...

Time flies! Today is our 2nd years anniversary...It didn't feel like we've been married for that long. We have enjoy every moment of it...of course there are times where we didn't like each other but we really try to reconcile before we go to bed. It's not easy some times but by God's help we could :) I still remembered the day Jim proposed with a fake ring!! aiya yay! being the nice person and not materialistic girl that I am (ehmmm....), I said "Yes"...then I went to the bathroom thinking...I would have to hide this green..hideous ring!
Anyway, I think he's testing me (I know he was testing me!) because he gave me a real ring...aaahhh....what a relief!!!!

Here are some pics from the day for those who haven't seen them...

Me and my family

The vow: I, Jimmy, take you, Luvena to be my wife. All that I am I give to you and all that I have is yours. I will stand by you and love you for the rest of my life.

The kiss?

After signing the registry

L is for the way you Look at me; O is for the Only one I see; V is Very very extraordinary; E is Even more than anyone that you adore can

Dance with my Daddy...very special...the song was "You raised me up"

Here are some of the shots from different photo locations. We thank God that we live in a beautiful city.

Above all we believe

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