Wednesday, June 29, 2011



"Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"
Hebrews 1:14, NIV

Do we believe in Angels? I was at the departure gate at Luton airport waiting for my flight to Sweden with a team from Pierrepont. I had my boarding card and my passport in my hand, when my mobile phone rang. I walked away to a glass wall of the lounge to take the call. Suddenly I managed to drop my passport down the tiny groove between two pieces of plate glass. It fell down several feet. We could see it but could not get to it! I went to a lady at the desk and told her of my predicament. She told me that it was not possible to board the plane without a passport. The flight was now being called. I looked in horror at the impossibility of the situation. The team came over and prayed. An elderly lady on the team asked Jesus to send a ministering angel to retrieve my passport supernaturally. I found it difficult to say amen!

The team now needed to board the flight and my secretary and I decided to stay behind. What else could we do? Then a lady came to us with a roll of sticky tape that is used at the check-in desk for luggage. She lowered the tape in between the two panes of glass and got hold of my passport. But suddenly it dropped again with the spine facing up! She lowered the sticky tape a second time, managed to stick it to the passport, and to my amazement retrieved the passport by lifting it up several feet and handed it to me.

The flight was now closing. I went to thank the lady as we ran to the gate but she had disappeared. I said to the lady on the desk, “Would you thank your member of staff for helping me?” and she said, “Who do you mean?” Well, I explained, and she said, “We do not have such a member of staff here!” We ran to the plane just as the ladder was being taken away and the door was closing. They allowed us to board. Everyone on the plane clapped us as they had been aware of our predicament. I told the elderly lady on the team, “I think it was an angel!” “Absolutely!” she replied. God answered our prayers!

How many times do you think that angels have been involved in your life to bring you protection and help?

Maybe when we get to glory and see the video tape ‘re-run’ we will be utterly amazed to realise just how much angels have intervened.

When Jesus was being arrested in the garden He said (Matthew 26:53) ”Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and He will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?” Maybe we should ask more often for the Father to release angels to help us in times of trouble.

Today's Writer : Jill Southern-Jones Jill Southern-Jones was a successful business woman before becoming the Director of Ellel Pierrepont, home of the Luke Nine Eleven Training Programme (NETS). People from all over the world come for 5 – 10 months and learn to teach and minister on NETS. Jill’s book on Sex: God’s Truth is an essential guide to the restoration of Godly order in sexual relationships.

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