Friday, November 25, 2011

Giving thanks

Giving Thanks

"Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, RSV

Recently my daughter-in-law posted a comment on Facebook which really got me thinking. She wrote “Imagine if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you were thankful for today...”

I was prompted to consider firstly all those aspects of my life that I could give thanks to the Lord for – my family, my health, my work, my friends – to begin with. Secondly, I had to acknowledge that I don’t regularly give thanks for all these, and other, blessings.

What are the blessings in your life? Let’s pause right now and give thanks to our Heavenly Father for them.

But the quote is deficient in trying to capture the more comprehensive view of thankfulness that we find expressed in the Bible. Our passage above, from 1 Thessalonians 5, instructs us to give thanks in all circumstances. Which circumstances? The good times, happy times, prosperous times? Yes, but also in the times when we are suffering. When we are disappointed, rejected, hurt, ignored. When we fail. When we sin. In ALL circumstances give thanks. Yes, even when we don’t feel like it, we are to give thanks. Why? The answer is encapsulated in the second part of the verse. We rejoice always, pray constantly and give thanks in all circumstances because this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus. Even in dreadful circumstances it is possible to give thanks – for in Christ Jesus we are able to know that God our Father has all circumstances in His sovereign hands. We are secure in Him even in the storms of life. Knowing this enables us to be thankful.

Prayer: Father, I am sorry that I haven’t been giving thanks in all circumstances. It seems too difficult at times. Will You please help me to lift my eyes up to You and trust that You have all things under control – and even when I don’t understand why things are happening as they are – that You will help me to thank You anyway. Thank You Father. Amen.

Today's Writer : Paul Watson Paul Watson was for 15 years an Anglican Minister in Sydney, Australia before joining Ellel Ministries full time in 2004. Together with his wife Diane he was involved in establishing the first Australian Ellel Ministries centre “Gilbulla” near Sydney. Currently they are leading the work in Western Australia, based at ‘Springhill’ near Perth. Paul, a member of the Ellel Ministries International Executive, serves as Regional Director for Australia & the Pacific as well as Regional Director for the Indian sub-continent. Paul & Diane have 4 adult children and 4 grandchildren.

Steps in the dark

Steps in the dark

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
Hebrews 11:1, NIV

There are times when we find it hard to trust God in the unknowns of life even though many of us are very familiar with this much-quoted text. In a recent prayer meeting someone was given a clear illustration of the principle of walking by faith which really encouraged us, and I share it with you.

The lighting in the corridors of Glyndley Manor has been upgraded this year (so that it’s legal, but also more effective). Each corridor has several low-energy ‘downlighters’ in it, but only one or two are on permanently. The remainder come on as you walk down the corridor, activated by a movement sensor. So at night you start your journey down the corridor just able to see what is immediately ahead, the remainder of the way being in darkness. However, as you step forward into the gloom the other lights come on, and all is revealed!

How like the way God expects us to live our lives here! He sets us the general direction, but often we can’t see what’s lying ahead of us. At this point we have two choices: stay where we are and cry out to God to “turn the light on” so we can see all the way ahead, or trust Him and take those small steps into the dark which will result in more light being shed ahead of us. As we walk forward in Him we may well encounter more ‘dark’ areas. For example, once we have established the ministry God asked us to, we then meet the challenge of ongoing resources being needed to see it continue. Are we going to stand still and shout at God, or believe He asks us to step forward in faith and see what happens next?

God is the God of miracles – we’ve been reminded of this many times, not least in the story of the founding of Ellel Ministries at Ellel Grange. If we believe it, let’s live in that faith and step into what may seem dark at the moment. The Holy Spirit is a ‘movement sensor’ and He will quickly report to the Father so He can turn on the light for your path!

Prayer: Father, thank You that Your Word is a lamp to our feet. Help us to believe Your Word and step out in its truth, so our ways will be enlightened and our faith strengthened. Amen.

Today's Writer : John Berry John Berry is Team Pastor and part of the Leadership Team at Ellel Glyndley Manor, with his wife Jennie, having previously been in Baptist church ministry for over 30 years. His heart is for the equipping of the church for its ministry, and he sees the healing and deliverance ministry of Ellel as an essential part of this. John has travelled widely in the course of his work, and enjoys being a grandfather 6 times over!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Blocked Drains

Blocked Drains

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
Hebrews 12:2

We recently restored an old part of our house and were delighted to have some friends come and stay in it for the first time. Everything was fine at first - it looked good, the room was warm and the bed was comfortable – but a few days later our friends were slightly embarrassed to have to tell us that the toilet had ceased to flush away its contents! The drains were blocked.

Fortunately the problem was soon resolved. The blockage in the drain was discovered and with the energetic use of some drainage rods, everything was quickly restored to normal. That particular drainage pipe had not been used for a very long time and, of course, we should have checked it out more thoroughly before inviting our friends to stay. It was our turn to be embarrassed.

But as I looked at the blockage, and watched as it was removed, I sensed the Lord was speaking to me about a much more serious issue than blocked drains! My mind drifted from the stuff that had been causing the blockage from so long ago, to the fact that hidden sins from a long time ago can equally be a blockage today if they have not been confessed, forgiven and, literally, cleaned out of our system!

We tend to think that things which happened a long time ago are of no relevance to today’s circumstances. But just as our friends discovered that an old blockage was obstructing today’s drains, things that have been buried in the past, in the hope that they will just ‘go away’ have a habit of eventually catching up with us. Just as we should have tested the drains before inviting our friends to stay, we should ask the Lord to expose any blockages in our past that are obstructing the flow of His life-giving Spirit today.

Unconfessed and unforgiven sins are the most common blockages to living a fulfilled Christian life. We need to be fit and ready for all circumstances of life as we seek to follow Jesus and fulfil God’s Kingdom purposes for our lives.

Prayer: I’m sorry, Lord, for the things I have buried in years past which today are causing a blockage in my life. Help me to face the truth about myself and come afresh to you for forgiveness and cleansing, so that there will be no blockages in my life to the flow of Your Spirit. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Today's Writer : Peter Horrobin Peter Horrobin is the Founding and International Director of Ellel Ministries. He has now written and is currently developing Ellel 365 – a completely new online training school. This is specifically designed to help people understand and apply the practical truths of God’s Word into their lives. Already there have been many remarkable testimonies of what God is doing in people’s lives. The Ellel 365 website has now been completely updated. To take a look for yourself click on the Ellel 365 link on this page.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bringing heaven to earth

Bringing heaven to earth

"Then dedicate the tent and all its equipment by anointing it with sacred oil, and it will be holy."
Exodus 40:9, GNB

The Tent or Tabernacle was a place where God wanted to meet with Moses and manifest His presence to the people of Israel. This was not an idea coming from Moses but from God Himself.

It required something of Moses. He had to meet certain conditions given to Him by God. After Moses had carefully set up the Tent he dedicated it and all its equipment by anointing it with sacred oil. ‘Then the cloud covered the Tent and the dazzling light of the LORD’S presence filled it’ (Exodus 40:34).

All ‘the house of Israel’ were privileged to see a miraculous sign from God. He showed His presence to them all in the form of cloud by day and fire by night hovering over the Tent. Some people today would very much like to see a miraculous sign from God which would reassure them of His manifest presence. But I wonder if they are willing to meet God’s conditions?

George Otis tells of places in Brazil which are consecrated for prayer. Christians stand together and call out to God all night in prayer and as God draws near to them, even the foliage begins to glow, pulsating with His glory. George was taken to a place in the forest where he experienced for himself the thick presence of the LORD, as everyone fell to the ground in spontaneous worship. Time meant nothing to them. The whole place was lit up with the glory of God.

Such remarkable closeness to God in communities can seem strange to us when we compare it with our own culture. Yet maybe they would think our communities are abnormal and fail to understand why we don’t want to spend as much time in fervent, passionate prayer as they do. Experiencing heaven on earth is part of their normal life. Do you desire it to be part of yours?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we praise Your holy Name. May Your heavenly Kingdom come here where we live. May Your will be done in our lives. It’s not about us but about You. Show us Your conditions and requirements. Show us how to dedicate ‘our Tent and its equipment’ to You and know Your presence day by day. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Today's Writer : Liz Griffin Liz Griffin lived for 20 years as an expatriate in South Africa, Bahrain and Japan, as her husband Paul worked for an international oil company. Paul and Liz became involved with Ellel Ministries in 1991 as part of the ministry team and joined the full-time team at Ellel Grange in 1995. Paul and Liz teach and minister to those seeking healing in their lives and together have written two books, 'Anger - How Do You Handle It' and 'Hope and Healing For The Abused'.

A lesson from Pelagius

A lesson from Pelagius

"Are you so foolish? After beginning with The Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?"
Galatians 3:3, NIV

Paul did not beat around the bush when he addressed the Galatian believers. They were making a grave mistake. Having started off right by believing in the grace of God they were starting to change their course. They were trying to maintain a good standing with God through their own efforts – an impossibility with God, which Paul called foolish!

The fact is it’s easy for us to repeat their error. It’s so tempting to rely on our own efforts - even if it’s only a little bit- for being right with God! Paul’s warnings are as relevant for us today as they were for the Christians back then. The problem with allowing any room for our own merits is the truth that ‘A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough’ (Galatians 5:9). When we start to rely just a little bit on our own efforts to stay holy or to be righteous, then this will start to work its way through the whole of our lives. The inevitable result is that we end up increasingly losing sight of God’s grace.

Quite recently I realised how easy it is to fall into this trap. I was reading a book which traced the developments of Christian doctrine throughout history. Around the fourth Century a man named Pelagius arose, who opposed Augustine’s teachings on free will and grace. In essence Pelagius laid a strong emphasis on our role as individuals to choose to be saved, whereas Augustine had emphasised God’s grace in choosing us and in giving us the grace to believe in Jesus.

Sadly the teachings of Pelagius gained ground in the western Church and allowed more and more room for human merit. Things got so bad one could even ‘purchase’ one’s way into heaven! But finally the Reformers came along and convinced the Church of the all-important grace of God. John Calvin said “The Gospel rules out any thing that man might add.” How true!

If we have in any way tried to add to Jesus’ work on the cross, by seeking to be righteous through our own efforts, let’s ask God for our own personal reformation! Let’s ask God to bring us back to the freedom and joy of relying only on His grace. For His grace is sufficient!

Prayer: Father, I ask You to forgive me for trying to be righteous in my own strength instead of wholly depending on Jesus. Please help me to be completely dependent on Your grace. I thank You that Your grace is enough for me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Today's Writer : Peter Brokaar Peter Brokaar and his American wife, Liz, left the Netherlands in 2005 to join the team at Ellel Scotland. He is now Assistant Director and House Manager and finds much pleasure in teaching. He has three children, Emma, Samuel and Benjamin, all born on Scottish soil. When there is any free time he enjoys reading, cooking, surfing and hiking.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Keeping in Touch

Keeping in Touch

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NIV

Our son lives in Australia and our daughter recently travelled to New Zealand where she is planning to stay for an extended period. They are adults and my husband and I have freely released them, but nevertheless we are so grateful for the technology that enables us to keep in touch.

Though they are far away from home we hear from them often and we’re excited when they tell us how they are and what they’re doing. Because of the time difference we eagerly switch on the computer in the mornings to see if either of them have emailed overnight, and so that they can see we’re logged in if they’re waiting for us to get up so that they can call us! Of course, we’re delighted to hear their voices when they call, or to find a message sitting in our inbox waiting for us to open, especially when there are photographs attached, which more often than not have only been taken the previous day!

As parents we delight to hear from our children – whether they are telling us about a struggle they might be having or a joy they are experiencing. As I was thanking God recently for them, and telling Him how much it means to us that they choose to keep in touch, continuing to share their lives with us, He reminded me how much, as our heavenly Father, He delights to hear our from us as His children too. I remember when I first began to call God my Father, and to talk to Him as Father. There was such a joy in my heart in calling Him ‘Father’ that just for the joy of it, I kept saying, ‘Father! Father!’ over and over again, knowing He was hearing me.

But there was a time before that when I found that word difficult, when I misunderstood God’s Father heart for me and I didn’t call Him Father. In fact I didn’t really talk to Him at all. As I pondered this, I thought about how my husband and I would feel if our children had gone off to the other side of the world and never contacted us, ignored us completely – like the story Jesus told of the prodigal son. Of course, we don’t expect to hear from our children every day, or even necessarily every week, but if we never ever heard from them, how painful that would be!

Like the father in that story that so vividly allegorises the father heart of God, our heavenly Father patiently waits for us to come back to Him, to talk to Him and share our lives with Him. Our human nature can be such that we only talk to God when we’re going through a difficult time and we’re desperate for an answer or a breakthrough in our struggle. Sometimes it’s the busyness of life that somehow gets in the way of us conversing with Him, or perhaps we just have a distorted view of who God is, thinking He’s distant or disinterested, or doesn’t want to speak to us or will ask impossible things of us. There can be many things that hold us back from daily sharing our lives in prayer with our Father.

Nevertheless He waits to hear from us. Today is a good day to share with Him, in the reality of who He is as our Father, the one who delights in us (Zephaniah 3:17), in the reality of who we are as His children (1 John 3:1) and in the reality of whatever it is we are facing today. We will bring joy to His heart in doing so, and so often He gives back a whole new perspective on the issue we’re facing.

What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?

Precious Savior, still our refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In His arms He’ll take and shield you; you will find a solace there.
Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised Thou wilt all our burdens bear

May we ever, Lord, be bringing all to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright unclouded there will be no need for prayer
Rapture, praise and endless worship will be our sweet portion there.

Joseph Scriven, 1855
Today's Writer : Julie Smith Julie Smith is married to Roger, and they have two grown up children. Having received deep healing in her own life, primarily through ministry at Ellel Grange and then attending the Modular School at Glyndley Manor, she went on to join the Glyndley associate ministry team. She now works part-time for the International Director’s Office and is an associate teacher for the ministry. She is passionate to see others restored and released into the abundant life Jesus won for us all.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Ordering Influence

19 September, 2011
Today's Free Devotional from Ellel Ministries International
The Ordering Influence

"God blessed them and said to them “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it."
Genesis 1:28, NIV

Recently my wife Diane and I were looking together at Genesis 1 & 2, and discussing the roles of men and women as seen in the original models. We believe that the understanding gained will form the core teaching of two weekend courses to be run next year at Ellel Springhill – one for men and one for women.

I was impacted by the last component of the command of God to the man and woman (Genesis 1:28a), ‘to be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it’. The word ‘subdue’ means to tread down, conquer, subjugate, and to keep under. So right from the beginning of creation, before the Fall, the earth was wild, and in need of being subdued. Man was given the mandate by God to subdue it. In his Tyndale commentary on Genesis, Derek Kidner labels this ‘man’s ordering influence’. Man was created to lead and woman to be his helper in this process – together fulfilling the call. Sadly however, since the Fall, man’s ordering influence has been tainted and limited by the effect of sin. Men have become trapped in many and various bondages and thus the ability to bring order, and subdue the unruly, has been severely hindered.

My experience in listening to and praying with many men reveals that there are areas of bondage which men have been caught in. These include passivity, fear, rejection, addictions, sexual compulsions, workaholism, spiritual oppression, and depression. The end result is that the God-given potential for men to fulfil their destiny and have their own individual ordering influence is choked off. I have spoken with many women who lament that this is true – of their fathers or husbands or pastors. It seems that women yearn to partner with the men in the great adventure of life, and long to see the men being able to take up their calling.

It is my heart’s desire to see men set free through Jesus Christ – free to BE (sons, husbands, fathers, friends) and free to DO (to trust God, to worship Him, to live life to the full, to relate well, to ‘run the race’).

I want to be a man who has this ordering influence. If you are a man reading this, I bet you do too. Deep inside you know what you are created to be, and you are aware of the restrictions holding you back.

Come to your Dad. Be honest with Him, and let Him set you free.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I long to make a difference in this world. I recognize that there are some hindrances in my life that I need to be set free from. I come with these to You now and ask You to heal me and set me free from bondage. Please help me to fulfil my calling to be a man (or woman) who has an ordering influence in this world. I pray this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Today's Writer : Paul Watson Paul Watson was for 15 years an Anglican Minister in Sydney, Australia before joining Ellel Ministries full time in 2004. Together with his wife Diane he was involved in establishing the first Australian Ellel Ministries centre “Gilbulla” near Sydney. Currently they are leading the work in Western Australia, based at ‘Springhill’ near Perth. Paul, a member of the Ellel Ministries International Executive, serves as Regional Director for Australia & the Pacific as well as Regional Director for the Indian sub-continent. Paul & Diane have 4 adult children and 4 grandchildren.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Lesson From the Spider`s Web

A Lesson From the Spider`s Web

"Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
1 Peter 5:8, NIV

Sitting at my desk one day, glancing out of the window, my attention was aroused to see a spider in its web. There`s nothing unusual about a spider in its natural habitat, nor about a fly trapped in its web. But there was something more to observe.

It was fascinating to watch the fly as it struggled to free itself, but the spider had got it trapped, and was able to do just as it desired, just as the devil seeks to do with us all. In the web the fly was first stripped of its wings, then its legs. It was increasingly powerless to defend itself or escape.

How this reminded me of the work of the enemy of souls as he goes about seeking whom he may trap and render ineffective and powerless to overcome him. When we slip into ungodly ways we become vulnerable to his wiles and devastating schemes as he robs us of our ability to be a true witness of our Lord and Saviour Jesus. This is why Peter reminds us that we need to be self-controlled and alert.

I meet a number of Christians who seem to have `lost their wings and legs`, and have been so damaged through sinful practices that they`ve become almost spiritually lifeless. We all need to have those around us to whom we are accountable, whether they`re church leaders, elders or friends. To have someone who is able to speak the truth to us in love, and warn us of approaching dangerous situations or relationships, is a healthy safeguard. For me it was a blessing to have an elder who sensed the danger of relationship developing with a secretary. There have been all too many church leaders drawn into an ungodly relationship with someone of the opposite sex, which has ruined their ministry. I didn`t wish to add to that number and thanked that elder for being so courageous in alerting me.

The spider`s natural habitat is a snare for the unobservant and unsuspecting insects the spider wants to make its prey. And the subtle wiles of the devil are just like that spider making its web. Peter is aware of the devil`s tactics, so he continues, `Resist him, standing firm in the faith` (1 Peter 5:9).

Prayer: O Lord, my God, I thank You for every time You`ve sent someone to make me aware of the snares of the devil, and prevented me from grieving You by falling into some sinful practice. Please develop in me a sensitivity and awareness of pitfalls, and strengthen me to honour You in every part of my life, I pray, in Jesus` name. Amen.

Today's Writer : David Silvester David Silvester is married and has a son, two daughters and eight grandchildren. He trained as a production engineer. He then moved on to become a lecturer of engineering craft skills before being called of God in his early fifties to become a pastor of a Baptist church. He says that,"having previously experienced an amazing healing on a day others expected me to die, it came as no surprise that God directed me and my wife, Margaret, to become involved with Ellel Ministries."

Friday, September 9, 2011

Consecrate Yourselves 09/09/11

09 September, 2011
Today's Free Devotional from Ellel Ministries International
Consecrate Yourselves

"Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before… Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you."
Joshua 3.4-5, NIV

There are bound to be some turning points in our life that we will later look back upon and say “There my life took a new direction. That choice made all the difference. But I had no idea at the moment about the importance of the step I took!”

So it was with Israel at the time written about in the first chapters of the book of Joshua. Moses was dead. Joshua was new in leadership. A desert lay behind them, a swollen river ahead of them. Forty years of walking back and forth in the desert had been filled with the Lord`s miracles, but even so, to continue that way was not a prospect that made them shout “Alleluia”. But neither did the unknown land before them. They had no boats for the crossing of the river, the enemies were strong, and their cities were well fortified. And the land was unknown to all except to a couple of spies who had seen a corner of it, and escaped by the skin of their teeth.

‘You have never been this way before’ - True. And then the intriguing questions arise: How will we know the road, how will we know where to turn, how will we know how to fight, how will we even get across the river?

The Lord’s answer was not a lengthy list of necessary preparations. Just a simple word with deep meaning: ‘Consecrate yourselves’. That simple phrase was the only directive they needed for the next few years. That was the answer to pressing needs of help when the enemies seemed to overwhelm them, the solution to feelings of inferiority, and the infallible guide to a behaviour that was worthy of the Lord.

To consecrate themselves, at least in that context, mainly seemed to involve only one thing: Obedience to the Lord.

To cross into unknown land, listen to the Lord! To conquer the mighty fortresses of strong enemies, listen to the Lord! To find the narrow path of success, listen to the Lord! To guard yourself against the besetting feeling of complacency, listen to the Lord! To overcome the temptations of sin, listen to the Lord!

Not that there are no other voices, but only the Lord´s voice will lead you to possess the land God has promised you. Not that He always speaks about the most logical way of action, and the easiest solution to the problems. But He speaks about the only way to attaining His promises, the only way to overcoming all enemies and obstacles.

Some of you who read this may be facing a crucial situation right now. The example from the time of Joshua still holds true: Consecrate yourself, listen to His voice, and begin to walk, even if it seems impossible in the face of the circumstances. ‘The Lord will do amazing things among you’.

The right action, at the critical point, will cause the most remarkable consequences, for today, and for years to come.

Today's Writer : Goran Andersson Goran Andersson , together with his wife Roswitha, worked as missionaries in Japan from 1967 – 1985. They then pastored a church before moving to Kåfalla Herrgård, Sweden where Goran became Director. They have worked with Ellel Ministries since 2004 and are Goran is now Director of Ellel Ministries in Sweden.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Blessing and offence

Blessing and offence

"Blessed is the one who takes no offence at me..."
Luke 7:23, RSV

Jesus offended many people. He offended both his enemies and his disciples, because He always spoke the truth and was not afraid to confront sin. He says the ones who are blessed are the ones who do not take offence.

To be offended means to be hurt, resentful, annoyed, repelled or made to stumble because of a circumstance. An offended person usually believes they have been treated wrongly, even if they haven’t. Taking offence is the cause of the breakdown of countless relationships and it is the opposite of intimacy and fellowship.

To take offence may seem justified. It is rarely seen for the sin that it is. People who give offence do not always do so deliberately whereas taking offence is a deliberate choice. On that basis, I believe we can say that to take offence is usually a greater sin than to give it.

When Jesus said the above words a vivid picture would come to the minds of His hearers. The verb to take offence had to do with the trapping of birds. It referred to the action that depressed the bait-stick and triggered off the trap and caught the bird. When we live with offence, a part of us is trapped in the past and we are not living in freedom.

Proverbs 18:19 tells us that an offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city. Walls around a city were for protection. Offended people are usually inward focused. They build walls around their hearts to prevent further hurt. These invisible walls intended for protection are keeping other people at a distance and, consequently, God seems far away.

To move from offence into blessing can only come through forgiveness. Forgiveness from God for being offended and forgiveness to those we perceive have offended us. God desires us to live in close relationship with Him. This is indeed blessing. It is joy and peace.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please forgive me for the times when I have taken offence. I ask you to search the motives of my heart today that I might see myself as you see me. I choose to forgive those who have offended me. Please help me to take down the walls I have built around my heart, In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Today's Writer : Margaret Silvester Margaret Silvester had a career as a teacher prior to being called into full time Christian Ministry with her husband, David, in 1986. They were involved in establishing a Healing Ministry in the local church and Margaret has a passion to see lost and wounded people found and restored. She and her husband joined the Ellel Ministries teaching and ministry team in 2000 after a clear call from God.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Engage-Part 1

"For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes."
Proverbs 24:16, NIV

In the wake of the civil unrest in the different cities in the UK many buildings and properties were burnt or vandalised. As I saw the events on the news I couldn’t help but feel the pain of those losses. It wasn’t my loss, but I felt a glimpse of what the owners of the properties felt when they saw their livelihoods and homes going up in flames, or their shop was being broken into.

It must be what David felt when he and his men found Ziglag attacked by the Amalekites and their wives and children taken captive. The Bible says that each one of them was bitter in spirit about the losses (I Samuel 30:6)

Loss is not pleasant. It’s very painful to lose anything. It’s more painful if there isn’t any hope that what you lost will be restored. It’s very easy for us to get entangled in the distress we face because of loss and lose focus of what’s ahead. David and his men had an option, to sit and mourn about their losses, to pursue and recover everything, or to rebuild the city and start all over again. They chose to pursue the Amalekites and recover what they had lost.

This is an encouragement to us. It’s right to mourn about what we have lost, but then we need to arise and move forward into what God has placed before us.

There’s a great story of how Jesus appeared to two of the disciples on the way to Emmaus. The pain of loss and distress had made them forget the promises that Jesus was to arise on the third day. They were busy focussing on what had happened, and how they had lost the one they knew as the Messiah. It must have been a difficult time. But, as soon as they heard the words of Jesus as they saw Him break bread, they remembered what He had said to them before. In our time of loss we need to remember His past promises to us and to hold on fast to Him.

Prayer: Father, thank You for the promises that You have for me. Please open my eyes to see and understand Your will. I give my losses to You and ask You to help me know the way forward. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Amen.

Today's Writer : Joan Rono Joan Rono was on the young people’s team in the year 2008-2009. She is now working as a Youth Pastor at Ellel Grange, UK. She worked in full time ministry in her church in Kenya before she joined the YPT last year, in obedience to God’s call in her life. She has a passion to see the young people walk in purity and holiness.


"For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes."
Proverbs 24:16, NIV

In the wake of the civil unrest in the different cities in the UK many buildings and properties were burnt or vandalised. As I saw the events on the news I couldn’t help but feel the pain of those losses. It wasn’t my loss, but I felt a glimpse of what the owners of the properties felt when they saw their livelihoods and homes going up in flames, or their shop was being broken into.

It must be what David felt when he and his men found Ziglag attacked by the Amalekites and their wives and children taken captive. The Bible says that each one of them was bitter in spirit about the losses (I Samuel 30:6)

Loss is not pleasant. It’s very painful to lose anything. It’s more painful if there isn’t any hope that what you lost will be restored. It’s very easy for us to get entangled in the distress we face because of loss and lose focus of what’s ahead. David and his men had an option, to sit and mourn about their losses, to pursue and recover everything, or to rebuild the city and start all over again. They chose to pursue the Amalekites and recover what they had lost.

This is an encouragement to us. It’s right to mourn about what we have lost, but then we need to arise and move forward into what God has placed before us.

There’s a great story of how Jesus appeared to two of the disciples on the way to Emmaus. The pain of loss and distress had made them forget the promises that Jesus was to arise on the third day. They were busy focussing on what had happened, and how they had lost the one they knew as the Messiah. It must have been a difficult time. But, as soon as they heard the words of Jesus as they saw Him break bread, they remembered what He had said to them before. In our time of loss we need to remember His past promises to us and to hold on fast to Him.

Prayer: Father, thank You for the promises that You have for me. Please open my eyes to see and understand Your will. I give my losses to You and ask You to help me know the way forward. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Amen.

Today's Writer : Joan Rono Joan Rono was on the young people’s team in the year 2008-2009. She is now working as a Youth Pastor at Ellel Grange, UK. She worked in full time ministry in her church in Kenya before she joined the YPT last year, in obedience to God’s call in her life. She has a passion to see the young people walk in purity and holiness.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

You fit!

You fit!

"You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price."
I Corinthians 6: 19, NLT

It is a human need to know we `fit in’. To know we have a place. To know we belong. To know someone cares.

Not all of us feel or know this deep in our hearts, where it counts. Circumstances, our upbringing, and life itself has perhaps been used by the enemy to create a sense deep in our hearts that we are alone and different.

The wonderful truth is that no matter what we may feel, no matter what the enemy may tell us and no matter what has been spoken by others in our lives – we all have a wonderful place of absolute, concrete, belonging. A place we can take ownership of and enjoy once we have come to the Lord through His cross.

Just like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, all of us (whether we know it or not) are a piece of God’s puzzle. There is a place set aside within the Lord’s heart that waits for us to come and rest, to enjoy being simply a part of His picture. There’s a place in His heart and His plans that is perfectly designed and shaped for you and for me. It’s a unique place where we fit and belong and are 100% accepted, not by anything we can do, say or earn – but just because it’s the place He bought for us as His children. It’s when we come to this place that we find comfort for our loneliness, and peace for our striving. It’s the place that assures us we belong, we fit, we have a place – we’re not forgotten or overlooked. We have a purpose, a significance, and a worth that is entwined into the very heart of our Father God.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You that I belong to You. Thank You that You have given me an eternal place where I fit. That I don’t need to be worried about where I may fit in terms of the world and the people around me, because I can rest in the amazing place of ownership that You paid for me. Lord, I ask that You will reveal more of who I am in You, as I draw close to You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Today's Writer : Cath Taylor Cath Taylor joined the Ellel Grange team back in 1992. Cath is married to Andy and they have three sons; Jake, Ben and Isaac. Together, Andy and Cath now live in Florida and lead the Ellel USA team.

Thursday, July 14, 2011



"Jesus said to him, ‘Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.’ At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked."
John 5:8-9, NIV

I was recently flying from the new Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport and because it involved a very early start in the morning, I decided to drive to the airport myself and leave my car in the car park. On arrival I duly parked my car and looked for a bus to take me to the terminal, but I found instead a notice directing me to board a ‘pod’, which looked like a small space age cabin running along a track. I duly boarded the pod and waited for something to happen. Nothing did! So I waited a bit longer and then I noticed a screen outside the door with an instruction to touch it to activate the pod. This I did, and again I waited, and waited, but nothing happened. Finally as I was sitting wondering what to do, three more passengers arrived. They sat down, one of them pressed a button by the door (which I had failed to notice) and the pod roared into action. I felt a little sheepish!

It made me think about how often in our Christian lives we can be sitting there waiting for something to happen, when God may be wanting us to take some action ourselves. Of course there is much written in the Bible about the need to wait on the Lord, and we need to learn to do that, but often we can be too passive, expecting that God will do everything for us without any action from ourselves. We are told to seek, knock, and come. This is all active, not passive.

In the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, the son needed to come to his senses, arise and set out to go to his father, and it was then that the father came running to meet him. The father did not come and seek him out while he was sitting in despair amongst the pig swill; the son needed to get up and turn back himself.

In order for the invalid at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5) to receive healing from Jesus, he had to obey Jesus’ command to get up, pick up his mat and walk. As he did this he was immediately healed. When we have been hurt or are facing situations that seem hopeless to us, we can often become passive, waiting for help to arrive, when God could be telling us to get up and walk. At the same time there may be steps that we need to take that are our responsibility – such as making a choice to forgive others, confession and repentance of sin. Is there anything that you need to do today to enable you to move into all that Jesus has for you?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I am sorry for times when I have been passive, waiting for something to happen, when You were wanting me to get up and walk into my healing and freedom. Please show me if there is anything specific that You want me to do now. Amen.

Today's Writer : Jilly Lyon Taylor Jilly Lyon Taylor is part of the Leadership Team at Ellel Pierrepont. She worked in publishing and then with children in Hong Kong before concentrating on being a full-time mother and serving in the local church. Her desire to see people healed led her to the Luke Nine Eleven Training Scheme(NETS) at Pierrepont, and now she teaches and ministers there.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

197. Mengukur Kehidupan - Markus 4:24-25

Saudaraku yg kekasih dalam Tuhan, orang senang menaruh ukuran dalam kehidupan, segala sesuatu dalam hidup ini, bagaimana kita mengukurnya? Kadangkala kita mengeluh, ah..anak saya ini menjengkelkan sekali! Tetapi sebenarnya, tergantung dari bagaimana kita menilainya, bagaimana kita mengukurnya. Apapun yg kita ukur, apapun yg kita nilai, akan sangat bergantung bagaimana kita mengambil kesimpulan, dan bagaimana kita bersikap.

Saya ambil contoh sederhana: Kalau seorang suami selalu mengambil kesimpulan bahwa istrinya selalu salah, ....oh....istri saya cerewet, oh...istri saya egois, ingin menang sendiri, maka seringkali sang suami tidak mau pulang ke rumah, sehingga ia akhirnya tertarik dengan wanita lain. Saya tahu bahwa saya salah, tetapi hal itu saya lakukan karena istri saya menjengkelkan sekali, tetapi itu kan ada alasannya!

Begitu pula sang istri yg seringkali mengeluh...ah...suami saya tidak pernah mengerti saya. Sehingga apa yg terjadi? Rumah tangga menjadi berat, dan menjadi tempat institusi yg sangat menakutkan. Sehingga apa yg terjadi? Kalau sudah tidak dapat dipertahankan, lalu salah 1 pihak mengambil keputusan cerai. Pedahal intinya sederhana, bagaimana salah 1 pihak menilai/mengukur sesuatu?

Begitu pula dengan orang-orang muda, seringkali berpikir, ah..dosa kan wajar, kita kan engga bisa suci-suci banget. Lalu ambil kesimpulan bahwa....kita kan bukan seorang biksu/nabi/pendeta. Sehingga bila sesorang mengambil keputusan seperti itu. Maka ia anggap dosa adalah sesuatu yg normal. Sehingga ia anggap nonton film porno itu normal, masturbasi itu normal, dan semua itu dianggap sebagai suatu bagian yg tidak dapat dipisahkan dari masa muda seseorang. Tetapi kembali saya mau ingatkan bahwa ukuran kehidupan kita adalah Firman Allah. Jadi, segala sesuatu yg kita lihat dalam hidup ini, kita ukur/nilainya dari: Bagaimana Firman Allah menilainya.

Yesus pernah bilang,"apa artinya engkau memperoleh seluruh dunia ini, kalau pada akhirnya jiwamu binasa!" Yesus mau ukur hidup ini, berharga/tidak berartinya hidup ini bukan pada berapa banyak harta yg engkau miliki/fasilitas hidup yg engkau dapatkan. Tetapi, hidup ini begitu berharga kalau kita mengerti kebenaran yg sebenarnya yang ada di dalam Firman Tuhan. Markus 4:
24Lalu Ia berkata lagi:"Camkanlah apa yang kamu dengar! Ukuran yang kamu pakai untuk mengukur akan diukurkan kepadamu, dan di samping itu akan ditambah lagi kepadamu. 25Karena siapa yang mempunyai, kepadanya akan diberi, tetapi siapa yang tidak mempunyai, apapun juga yang ada padanya akan diambil dari padanya."

Apa yg Yesus maksudkan dengan ukuran kehidupan ini:

1. Jangan sembarangan menghakimi orang lain
Kita sebagai orang percaya, kadangkala/seringkali mengukur orang lain dengan gampangnya. Kita seringkali menghakimi orang lain, karena ia berbeda dengan kita. Ada seorang yg mengirim email kepada kami yg berada di Thailand, dan ia bercerita bahwa ia tidak diperkenankan untuk pergi ke gereja. Ia berkata bahwa betapa berharganya pelayanan web site kami. Ia berkata,"bahwa ia mendapat makanan rohani setiap pagi, ada renungan ketika ia membukanya dan ada artikel yg meguatkan iman saya.

Ia berkata,"bahwa tadinya ia orang Kristen." Tetapi, ia menikah dengan orang Thailand yg bukan Kristen. Ia tidak diijinkan untuk ke gereja. Tetapi, saya mengemis kepada suami saya agar saya dapat pergi ke gereja. Tetapi suaminya bilang,"bila kamu pergi ke gereja, kamu pasti akan terus menghakimi orang!" Kamu salah, kamu orang berdosa, kamu tidak layak, pak pendeta...tolong doakan saya!

Di sini saya tangkap bahwa banyak orang yg berada di gereja yg mencoba untuk menghakimi dan bukan untuk menjadi berkat. Kalaulah dilihat bahwa ada orang yg tidak sesuai dengan gaya/cara hidup orang Kristen, maka kita mulai senang menghakimi. Orang itu belum bertobat, orang itu nanti akan masuk neraka, orang itu engga punya kepastian keselamatan, orang itu hidupnya engga benar, orang itu hidupnya masih di bawah kutuk. Kita seringkali senang sekali menghakimi orang lain, padahal, Yesus bilang bahwa ukuran yg kamu pakai untuk mengukur seseorang, akan diukurkan kepadamu.

Makanya Yesus pernah bilang dengan kalimat luar biasa,"Kerjakan kepada orang lain, seperti apa yg kamu ingin orang lain kerjakan di dalam hidupmu. Jadinya, kalau kamu tidak mau menerima itu, jangan kamu berikan itu kepada orang lain. Yesus dengan jelas bilang ukuran yg kamu pakai untuk mengukur seseorang, akan diukurkan kepadamu, disamping itu akan ditambah lagi kepadamu.

2. Jangan kita menilai orang lain, hanya dari penampilan luar
Saudara lihat bagaimana Samuel ditegur, pada saat ia akan mengurapi salah 1 anak dari Isai. Dengan tegas, Tuhan bilang begini kepada Samuel,"Bukan apa yg dilihat oleh manusia yg dilihat oleh Allah." Karena, manusia hanya melihat penampilan luar, tetapi Tuhan melihat hati. Tuhan melihat dalamnya dan isi hati kita. Nah, kalau isi hati kita benar, isi hati kita bersih. Maka saudaraku yg kekasih maka yg dari dalam itu akan terpancar keluar.

Jadi, Janganlah senang menghakimi atau mengukur seseorang hanya dari penampilan luar. Karena kadang kala persoalan keluarga, persoalan masa muda kita, pelayanan kita dan gereja kita, seringkali persoalannya adalah bagaimana kita mengukur hal ini. Kita harus belajar mengukur hidup ini dari dasar Firman Tuhan. Kita belajar mengukur kehidupan ini dari sudut kehendak Tuhan. Oh...kita seharusnya sadar, bahwa tiap orang berbeda.

Kadang kala di gereja kita melihat ada orang yg senang berbicara, janganlah kita menilai "dasar cerewet." Karena, memang tipenya adalah seperti itu. Karena, Tuhan ciptakan orang-orang yg banyak bicara, agar dunia ini tidak sepi. Tetapi, Tuhan juga ciptakan orang-orang pendiam, agar ada orang-orang yg dapat mendengar orang-orang yg berbicara.

3. Belajar mengukur sebagaimana Allah mengukur
Biarlah Firman Allah menjadi standar dari kehidupan kita. Mengapa, orang Kristen masih banyak yg tertipu? Karena, seringkali kita mengukur orang hanya dari penampilan luar. Biarlah kita hidup dengan saling bergandengan tangan dan rebutlah yg kemenangan dari Tuhan.

Kalaulah saudara sakit dan hidup di masa-masa sukar dan menantikan mujijat, marilah kita berdoa....Allah Bapa, di dalam tanganmu tidak ada perkara yg mustahil, di dalam Nama Yesus, Tuhan jamah, nyatakan KuasaMU, sehingga kami boleh percaya bahwa Allah itu hidup dan penuh Kuasa, di dalam Nama Yesus kami berdoa, amin!

196. Menjadi pelita - Markus 4:21-23

Saya percaya bahwa dunia ini adalah dunia yang sedang dikuasai oleh kegelapan. Sehingga, di tengah-tengah dunia ini, kita lihat kekacauan, kita lihat kekuatiran, kebencian ada di mana-mana. Karena saya percaya bahwa dunia ini adalah dunia yg sedang diselubungi oleh kegelapan. Nah, saudaraku yg kekasih dalam Tuhan, tugas kita sebagai orang percaya itu jelas. Yesus berkata,"Kamu adalah terang dunia. Bukan berarti kita harus menangisi dunia ini, atau kecewa dengan dunia ini.

Tetapi kita lihat bahwa dunia ini begitu gelap, kekristenan melalui aniaya dan tekanan. Orang-orang yg mau hidup dalam kesucian menjadi berat bebannya. Tetapi hari ini saya mau ingatkan saudara bahwa kita adalah terang dunia. Bahwa bagaimanapun gelapnya. Tugas kita sebagai orang percaya adalah memberi harapan dan semangat baru. Di tengah kekelaman yg paling kelam sekalipun, kita memancarkan sinar kedamaian, kita memancarkan ketenangan dan sinar Kemuliaan Allah, sehingga itu semua menjadi jawaban bagi dunia ini. Di dalam Markus 4:

21Lalu Yesus berkata kepada mereka:"Orang membawa pelita bukan supaya ditempatkan di bawah gantang atau di bawah tempat tidur, melainkan supaya ditaruh di atas kaki dian. 22Sebab tidak ada sesuatu yang tersembunyi yang tidak akan dinyatakan, dan tidak ada sesuatu yang rahasia yang tidak akan disingkap. 23Barangsiapa mempunyai telinga untuk mendengar, hendaklah ia mendengar!"

Saudaraku yg kekasih dalam Tuhan, ada beberapa hal yg menarik di sini yg Yesus jelaskan tentang menjadi Pelita. Di sini dijelaskan bahwa orang membawa pelita bukan supaya ditempatkan di bawah gantang atau di bawah tempat tidur, bukan untuk disembunyikan, tetapi agar dapat menerangi. Tetapi agar dapat melawan kegelapan dan membawa terang yg sesungguhnya. Apa tanggung jawab kita sebagai pengikut Kristus yg dipercaya untuk menjadi pelita yg menyala itu:

1. Menerangi kegelapan
Apa maksudnya? Seperti yg sudah saya jelaskan sebelumnya, bahwa dunia ini adalah dunia yg berada di bawah kegelapan. Lalu pertanyaan kita, apakah kita sebagai orang percaya juga buat hal sama? Kalau orang dunia memaki istrinya dengan kata-kata yg kasar, apakah kita sebagai orang percaya juga bisa membuat hal yg sama?

Kalau orang dunia memaki anak-anaknya dengan kata-kata kasar, dengan alasan mendidik, pertanyaannya? Apakah kekasaran dapat mendidik? Saudaraku yg kekasih dalam Tuhan, tegas dan disiplin itu perlu, tapi tidak perlu dijalankan dengan kekasaran. Karena, janganlah menanamkan kebencian kepada anak-anak saudara dari masa-masa dini sekali dalam kehidupan mereka.

Kalaulah orang dunia berzinah di luar nikah, lalu apakah kita sebagai orang percaya dapat berbuat hal yg sama? Apakah alasan kita...yah..itukan hal normal, semua orang di muka bumi melakukan hal sama seperti itu! Saya mau beritahu bahwa dunia ini sedang berjalan di dalam kegelapan. Saya tegaskan bahwa dunia ini sedang lenyap dengan segala keinginannya dan kehancurannya. Karena kegelapannya, dunia saat ini adalah dunia yg sedang terhuyung-huyung mabuk.

Kita sekarang ini berjalan, tidak seharusnya kita sedang berjalan. Korupsi dianggap normal, berzinah dianggap sebagai bagian dari rekreasi. Bahkan memfitnah, melakukan hal-hal yg jahat, menghianati dianggap hal yg wajar untuk bertarung di tengah dunia yg keras ini. Saya mau beritahu bahwa dunia ini sudah tiba pada titik batas dan di ambang bahaya yg sangat menakutkan!

Saudaraku yg kekasih dalam Tuhan, di sinilah panggilan kita. Panggilan kita adalah untuk menerangi kegelapan itu. Paulus berkata kepada Timotius,"Jangan seorangpun menganggap engkau rendah, karena engkau muda, tetapi jadilah teladan!" Berarti, bawalah terang dan harapan baru. Sehingga engkau menunjukkan kepada dunia," ini..lho...menjadi orang Kristen itu seperti ini...,hidup yg benar itu seperti ini! Tugas kita harus jelas, yaitu menerangi kegelapan. Alkitab bilang,"kalau garam itu sudah tidak asin lagi, ia akan dibuang dan diinjak-injak orang."

Artinya: Kalau kita tidak memiliki fungsi lagi sebagai terang, dan mempengaruhi dunia ini. Maka hidup kita sama bejatnya seperti orang dunia, dan tidak ada artinya sama sekali. Marilah kita terangi dunia ini. Kita jangan pesimis memandang dunia ini, kita memiliki sesuatu yg dunia tidak punya. Saudaralah yg membawa terang itu dan berjalan di dalamnya. Jangan sampai terang itu padam, tetapi terus menerangi..sampai kegelapan itu menyingkir dan terang Kristuslah yg semakin menyala!

2. Membawa kehangatan
Pelita yg terbuat dari api ini, yg mungkin kita kenal sebagai obor, pelita ini membawa kehangatan. Artinya, dunia ini adalah dunia yg dingin. Karena, dunia tidak mau berbuat apa-apa tanpa keuntungan bagi dirinya sendiri. Dari segi pergaulan, kalau itu menguntungkan, maka saya mau bergaul dengan dia. Dari segi hubungan suami istri, kalau suami/istri tidak lagi menyenangkan, buat apa rumah tangga harus saya pertahankan?

Kita bisa lihat bahwa tingkat perceraian semakin tinggi, tingkat perpecahan semakin tinggi, karena orang berjalan dalam kedinginan. Menjadi hangat, kalau itu mendatangkan keuntungan pribadi. Makanya saya sebut bahwa dunia ini adalah dunia yg egois, orang hanya berpikir bagi dirinya sendiri. Waktu kita membawa pelita, artinya: kita membawa kehangatan, kehangatan di tengah keluarga kita. Bukan pada persoalan apakah dia menyenangkan/tidak menyenangkan saya. Di manapun saya ada, saya bawa kehangatan, saya bawa damai sejahtera Kristus yang terang dan berkuasa atas dunia ini.

3. Menyingkapkan segala rahasia yg tersembunyi
Tahukah saudara bahwa di tengah kegelapan, orang senang menyimpan rahasia dan menyembunyikan segala sesuatu. Nah, ketika terang datang, otomatis yg disembunyikan, akan terbuka. Saudaraku, ada banyak dosa-dosa tersembunyi di muka bumi ini. Sebagai orang percaya, tugas kita adalah menjadi berkat, artinya: supaya orang-orang yg menyimpan sesuatu ini, dapat membuka hati mereka untuk menerima Tuhan Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Juru selamat.

Sehingga kita tanpa disadari menjadi terang dunia dan menyingkapkan segala rahasia/selubung-selubung kemunafikan yang diciptkan dan dibentuk oleh setan untuk menghancurkan keluarga, untuk menghancurkan generasi muda, gereja Tuhan/orang-orang rohani. Tetapi, sebagai hamba Allah saya mau ingatkan bahwa kita adalah pelita!

Tuhan, biarlah engkau jamah kami semua yg sedang sakit, berbeban berat. Biarlah pelitaMU terus menyala menerangi kami dan memberi kekuatan. Sehingga kamipun dapat menjadi berkat bagi orang yg membutuhkan. Di dalam Nama Yesus kami berdoa dan mengucap syukur, haleluya, amin!

My lost ring

My lost ring
"Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me completely."
1 Corinthians 13:12, NLT

For 7 years, I’ve had a beautiful silver ring that Andy bought for me in Australia, and I’ve worn it every day and really treasured it. The only problem with this ring is that it never actually fitted my finger properly. Subsequently, over the years it’s been a regular family activity to search for ‘Mum’s lost ring’, often discovering it at the bottom of laundry piles, garbage cans and even a swimming pool!

A few weeks ago we were at the beach playing in the sea, tossing a ball around, when once again my ring slipped from my finger and disappeared into the Gulf of Mexico! There was a moment of panic and slight hysteria followed by ‘action stations’ from all the family! The boys grabbed their snorkel gear, Andy donned his goggles and we all prayed that the Lord would help us once again find ‘Mum’s ring’.

For 2 hours we snorkelled and searched back and forth where we were in the ocean, believing at any moment we would glimpse a sparkle and discover our treasure. Unfortunately, we never did. The ring was lost, and with water-logged bodies, we had to admit defeat. I wasn’t happy about this! I felt so disappointed that despite all our best efforts, having prayed every prayer we could think of, mustered mountains full of faith between us and with great expectations of success, I was still going home without my ring! During the drive home I sat quietly in the car feeling a bit like a sulky, spoilt child as I asked the Lord why, as I knew He could have helped us, He seemingly didn’t.

Then I realised that hidden inside my own heart I had a false belief. If I could only pray the right prayer and have the right amount of faith, then everything would be ‘Hunky Dory’. As I brought this to the Lord I realised our picture of God and His care for us isn’t determined by how well our life is going. He isn’t only close to us when we see rainbows and life is fuzzy and warm. We go through things in life which are more earth shattering than a lost ring, but, even then, can we allow circumstances to influence how we see God, His love for us, or our love for Him? I don’t think so. There will be times when we’ve prayed all we know to pray, sorted out all we can sort out in our lives, stood in faith, and yet we still don’t get the answer we think we want or need. We don’t like what’s happening, and we don’t see the picture clearly or understand the reasons why, (as in 1 Corinthians 13:12).

It’s at those times the Lord asks us to surrender it all to Him and hold on to the relationship we have. To trust Him even when we don’t have answers, and to draw close to Him, knowing He never changes and He’s always worthy of our praise. The words of Matt Redman’s song are true;
‘Blessed be Your name, when the sun`s shining down on me,
when the world’s all as it should be, blessed be Your name.
Blessed be Your name on the road marked with suffering,
though there`s pain in the offering blessed be Your name’.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I’m sorry that I have sometimes allowed my circumstances to define who You are and Your love for me. I realise that’s wrong and robs me of Your presence and Your peace. I recognise that there’s much about You and Your ways that I still only see and understand in part. Please, Lord, teach me how to trust You and to praise You in the good times and the bad, and to never forget that who You are, and Your love for me, never changes. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Today's Writer : Cath Taylor Cath Taylor joined the Ellel Grange team back in 1992. Cath is married to Andy and they have three sons; Jake, Ben and Isaac. Together, Andy and Cath now live in Florida and lead the Ellel USA team.

Children of God

09 July, 2011
Today's Free Devotional from Ellel Ministries International
Children of God

"How great is the love that the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God! And that is what we are!"
1 John 3:1, NIV

I doubt a five year old prince or princess really appreciates being in a royal family. Perhaps they even dislike it at times, because they don’t see the good of it, and they mostly feel the constraints and limitations it places on them. But they can´t get away from it. They were born into a royal family. However, later they will probably see the privileges they have and come to appreciate them. These privileges were always there, even when they didn’t understand them.

We weren’t given the privilege of having royal blood. We were ordinary people, with little to boast of. Then the unbelievable happened! God Almighty bestowed on us the standing of being His beloved children! We weren’t born into it, we didn’t deserve it, we didn’t have the qualifications for it, and yet it happened: We gained the right to call ourselves the children of God. It’s not even that we ourselves took that name for ourselves, but God Himself called us His children.

We could be regarded as presumptuous, or mistaken in using such a name, but not God! He is ‘the truth’, and what He says is true. He made a promise. ‘Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become the children of God’ (John 1:12). If God says you’re His beloved child, all the blessings and privileges of being a child of God are yours, even if you don’t yet fully comprehend them. They’re all there, waiting for you to find out how blessed you are.

When you walk through the dark and difficult circumstances of loss and loneliness, and when it seems that nobody’s there to comfort you, your Father cares, because you’re His beloved child. When you have to go through a time of unexpected needs and adverse experiences, your Father is there with you, because you’re His beloved child. When health and strength fail, and you find it very hard to cope with life’s demands, does your Father forsake you? No, because you’re still His beloved child. As His children we all have the privilege of enjoying His presence all the time. Not because we deserve it, but because He’s lavished His love on us, and made us His very own children.

What should our response be? Certainly not childishly complaining about the limitations this relationship causes, but a trusting whisper “Abba, Father!” We walk as His children, we rest as His children, and yes, even when we sleep, we’re His children. It’s not something that’s ours because we hold on to it, but because we’ve been given the standing of being God’s children. And the greatest privilege of being a child is having a Father, a Father who cares, and he’s Your Father today!

Today's Writer : Goran Andersson Goran Andersson , together with his wife Roswitha, worked as missionaries in Japan from 1967 – 1985. They then pastored a church before moving to Kåfalla Herrgård, Sweden where Goran became Director. They have worked with Ellel Ministries since 2004 a

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

"Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning, and be like men who are waiting for their master to come home from the wedding feast, so that they may open the door to him at once when he comes and knocks."
Luke 12:35-36, ESV

Jesus so often challenges us and gives us responsibilities. To those who don’t yet know Him as their Lord and Master He says ‘repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near’ (Matthew 4:17), but for those who belong to Him, love Him and know Him there are further responsibilities as they live in His Kingdom.

I like the simplicity of this instruction ‘Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning’. Do you wonder what our lamps could be? How about our passion for Jesus and the things of the Holy Spirit?

Jesus talks about the light in us. First of all, once we have the light of Jesus burning in our hearts, we must let others know. ‘No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light’ (Luke 11:33).
Then we have the responsibility to make sure the light doesn’t go out or grow dim. Jesus says we must be ‘careful’ about that. ‘Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light, but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness. Therefore be careful lest the light in you be darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, it will be wholly bright, as when a lamp with its rays gives you light’ (Luke 11:34-36).

How can we keep our lamp burning? We can fix our eyes on the glory of Jesus and focus on praise and worship to Him. Not only can we pray those prayers of intercession, however short or long, and whatever time of day or night, but we can to continually give thanks and tell Him we love Him (rather than grumbling and complaining). We can also saturate ourselves in the Word of God each day. Our eye can look upon its light and take in as much as possible. And yet even that isn’t enough. We must also put into practice what we read in the Bible. ‘But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!’ (Luke 11:28). Yes Jesus is coming back and we must be ready to meet Him at His return, or meet Him before then as we step into eternity. ‘This night your soul is required of you’ (Luke 12:19 – 21).

In Jesus’ illustration the good servant is alert for the return of his master and aims to please him. The master comes back from the wedding banquet is so delighted with this servant that he gives him a huge reward. He actually waits upon him and serves him. What could be more surprising than that? But the bad servant will be punished, for ‘Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more’ (Luke 12:48).

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for the light You bring to me. Please help me to keep it burning. I want to be ready when you return so I can open the door for You and welcome You back. Amen.
Today's Writer : Liz Griffin Liz Griffin lived for 20 years as an expatriate in South Africa, Bahrain and Japan, as her husband Paul worked for an international oil company. Paul and Liz became involved with Ellel Ministries in 1991 as part of the ministry team and joined the full-time team at Ellel Grange in 1995. Paul and Liz teach and minister to those seeking healing in their lives and together have written two books, 'Anger - How Do You Handle It' and 'Hope and Healing For The Abused'.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Leap of faith

Leap of faith

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding."
Proverbs 3:5, NLT

On a recent outing to a nearby forest theme park I was particularly taken with a certain attraction that was on offer. The ‘Skydive’ is simple enough – don a safety harness (connected to a safety rope), climb the 50 foot mast to a small platform and then step off! The safety rope is connected to a piece of equipment called a descender, which essentially controls your fall so that you won’t hit the ground too hard. Such simplicity is easy to describe but not so easy to accomplish!

I ‘did’ the Skydive a few years ago and remember it well... the climb was fine, standing on the platform was a little more nerve-racking, but then having to step off into thin air goes against all that is rational and intuitive. Fifty feet is a long way down when all there is between you and the ground is open space!

Our conditioning as a person is to protect ourselves from such falls, everything that we have learned in life says, “Don’t do it!” Even having seen many people perform the ‘leap of faith’ previously, it counts for very little once you are up there; such is the strength of our intuition and knowledge that comes from past experience.

As we go through life we develop our own personal set of rules and protective measures, a way of living that keeps us safe from perceived harm. Yet, these ‘rules’ can often be distorted because of the reasons we set up such protective measures. The perceived harm can be based on a lie that then prevents us from experiencing the fullness of joy of life.

If our past experience has told us that a deep, intimate and loving relationship is unsafe then we will set up protective measures around our heart in order to keep the perceived harm away. If we view our attempts at achievement as a road to failure we will pull away from pushing forward in our talents and gifting. The list of protective measures could go on and on!

Are we willing to admit that we may need to take a leap of faith to break through our own protective measures and rely purely on God’s promises? This is what God requires of us. To trust in Him, despite our understanding that is intrinsically linked to past experiences and a well-developed sense of judgement; admitting that our personal understanding can be distorted and our self-protection can be the source of our limited living.

God may well be asking you to step away from everything that makes you feel safe so that your trust in Him can be complete and you can experience the joy and freedom of living in His safety and protection.

Prayer: Father God, reveal to me any self-protection measures I have in my life that are based on a lie and that are preventing me from moving forward in my life. Help me take a leap of faith, knowing that You are my rock of safety. Amen.
Today's Writer : Lindsey Hanekom Lindsey Hanekom has worked at all of our UK centres over the years and is now settled at Ellel Scotland with her husband, Johann and their young son, Kyle. She is part of the Ellel 365 Team as well as being responsible for the marketing and publicity for Blairmore. Alongside these roles, Lindsey is a valued teacher who has a real heart to see people move into the fullness of life and to discover their full and true identity in God.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

195. Menanggapi Firman Tuhan - Markus 4:3-20

Setiap kita dapat bertumbuh dari pemberitaan Firman Tuhan. Tetapi yg menjadi pertanyaan saya, kenapa ada orang yg berasal dari gereja yg sama, mendengar kotbah dari pendeta yg sama, menyanyikan lagu pujian dari lagu dan pemimpin pujian yg sama, bernyanyi dari nyanyian lagu yg sama. Tetapi, kenapa ada orang yg imannya bertumbuh, tetapi yg lain imannya stagnan/berhenti/bahkan yg lain lagi justru mundur imannya bahkan ada sebagian lagi yg murtad. Lalu kita bertanya, apa yg salah? Apa yg menghambat pertumbuhan?

Kadang kala bukanlah persoalan Firman Tuhan/para pelayan gereja yg salah. Tetapi, bagaimana kita menanggapi Firman Tuhan. Karena Firman Tuhan adalah jawaban buat kita. Firman Tuhan adalah kekuatan dan kepastian bagi hidup kita. Tetapi cara kita menanggapi Firman Tuhan, sangat menentukan pertumbuhan rohani kita selanjutnya. Kita lihat di Markus 4:
3"Dengarlah! Adalah seorang penabur keluar untuk menabur.
4Pada waktu ia menabur sebagian benih itu jatuh di pinggir jalan, lalu datanglah burung dan memakannya sampai habis. 5Sebagian jatuh di tanah yang berbatu-batu, yang tidak banyak tanahnya, lalu benih itupun segera tumbuh, karena tanahnya tipis. 6Tetapi sesudah matahari terbit, layulah ia dan menjadi kering karena tidak berakar.7Sebagian lagi jatuh di tengah semak duri, lalu makin besarlah semak itu dan menghimpitnya sampai mati, sehingga ia tidak berbuah. 8Dan sebagian jatuh di tanah yang baik, ia tumbuh dengan suburnya dan berbuah, hasilnya ada yang tiga puluh kali lipat, ada yang enam puluh kali lipat, ada yang seratus kali lipat." 9Dan kata-Nya"Siapa mempunyai telinga untuk mendengar, hendaklah ia mendengar!"10Ketika ia sendirian, pengikut-pengikut-Nya dan kedua belas murid itu menanyakan Dia tentang perumpamaan itu. 11Jawab-Nya: "Kepadamu telah diberikan rahasia Kerajaan Allah, tetapi kepada orang-orang luar segala sesuatu disampaikan dalam perumpamaan, 12supaya: Sekalipun melihat mereka tidak menanggap, sekalipun mendengar, mereka tidak mengerti, supaya mereka jangan berbalik dan mendapat ampun."13Lalu Ia berkata kepada mereka:"Tidakkah kamu mengerti perumpamaan ini? Kalau demikian bagaimana kamu dapat memahami semua perumpamaan yang lain? 14Penabur itu menaburkan firman, 15Orang-orang yang di pinggir jalan, tempat firman itu ditaburkan, ialah mereka yang mendengar firman, lalu datanglah iblis dan mengambil firman yang baru ditaburkan di dalam mereka. 16Demikian juga yang ditaburkan di tanah yang berbatu-batu, ialah orang-orang yang mendengar firman itu dan segera menerimanya dengan gembira, 17tetapi mereka tidak berakar dan tahan sebentar saja. Apabila kemudian datang penindasan atau penganiayaan karena firman itu, mereka segera murtad. 18Dan yang lain ialah yang ditaburkan di tengah semak duri, itulah yang mendengar firman itu, 19lalu kekuatiran dunia ini dan tipu daya kekayaan dan keinginan-keinginan akan hal yang lain masuklah menghimpit firman itu sehingga tidak berbuah. 20Dan akhirnya yang ditaburkan di tanah yang baik, ialah orang yang mendengar dan menyambut firman itu lalu berbuah, ada yang tiga puluh kali lipat, ada yang enam puluh kali lipat, dan ada yang seratur kali lipat."

Jadi, dari ayat-ayat di atas, Yesus mau mengajar kita bahwa setiap Firman yg disampaikan, maka ada 4 kelompok jemaat/reaksi dalam menanggapi Firman Tuhan:

1. Hati pinggir jalan
Artinya, Firman didengar, dia masuk gereja, ia beribadah dan melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan rohani, tetapi waktu Firman ia dengar, Firman berlalu begitu saja. Dikatakan pada ayat yg ke-15Orang-orang yang di pinggir jalan, tempat firman itu ditaburkan, ialah mereka yang mendengar firman, lalu datanglah iblis dan mengambil firman yang baru ditaburkan di dalam mereka. Jadi, Firman yg ia dengar tidak ia simpan dalam hati, tidak ia tanggapi dengan positif.

Buat sebagian orang, mereka hanya datang ke gereja, mendengarkan Firman Tuhan, ia hanya berharap agar pendeta ini berkotbah mengenai sesuatu yg lucu, yg mendatangkan semangat buat dia. Tetapi, hanya sampai di situ. Tetapi, seharusnya saat kita mendengar Firman, seharusnya seperti cermin. Bagaimana kita melihat kelemahan/kekurangan kita, dimana hal-hal yg harus diperbaiki. Kita seharusnya dapat melihat, bagaimana Tuhan begitu baiknya di dalam hidup kita. Tuhan begitu luar biasa dan tidak pernah tinggalkan kita. Tuhan selalu beserta kita dan selalu memberi kemenangan dalam hidup kita.

Jadi, tipe seperti ini adalah: ia mendengar Firman, tetapi ia anggap sepi. Sehingga ketika setan datang, lalu setan curi Firman itu. Firman Tuhan sama sekali tidak menempel dalam hidupnya. Setan engga bisa curi Firman yg menempel dan menjadi satu dalam hidup kita. Yang seperti Yesus bilang,"Jika Aku tinggal di dalam kamu dan FirmanKU tinggal didalammu." Kapan Firman tinggal di dalam kita? Saat kita buka hati dan merenungkannya, serta membiarkan Firman itu merubah hidup kita, merubah konsep-konsep hidup kita. Sehingga ketika mendengar, kita bisa tahu:"...oh...ini yg harus saya tinggalkan, ..oh ini yg engga baik...oh...ini yg harus saya jalani. Jadi, dia bandingkan Firman dengan dirinya, seperti ia melihat cermin dan bereaksi secara penuh.

2. Hati yg berbatu
Artinya: Firman ia dengar, tetapi ia engga tahan terhadap masalah. Jadi, selama Firman itu menyenangkan, memberkati. Tetapi tidak menjadi dasar dalam kehidupannya, sehingga fondasinya begitu tipis. Sehingga ketika masalah dan tantangan datang, mungkin ada yg mengejek dan menghina dia, lalu ia mundur dari gereja. Ia mundur dari pelayanan, lalu bilang,"ah..percuma saya ikut Tuhan!" Saya sudah banyak pelayanan, bayar perpuluhan, tetapi koq..saya engga lihat mujijat dan berkat.

Inilah yg alkitab bilang, tanahnya tipis, tipe orang ini engga tahan dengan tantangan dan godaan dunia. Tipe orang ini selalu berkata,"betul saya harus punya tekad untuk berubah." Tetapi, tipe seperti ini tidak berakar dalam. Tidak kuat menghadapi masalah. Seharusnya Firman menjadi tameng dan fondasi buat kita untuk menahan segala serangan iblis, karena "Ada tertulis.....,,,,,ada tertulis." Jadi, setiap kali setan menyerang, Firman menjadi fondasi saat kita menghadapi berbagai masalah.

3. Hati yg semak duri
Atinya: Firman ia dengar, tetapi kekuatiran dan kesenangan dunia selalu menjadi masalah. Sehingga Firman yg ia dengar/dapat tidak bisa bertumbuh dengan baik. Karena, setelah Firman ia dengar, ia terima dengan suka cita, ia merasa Allah hadir. Tetapi, ketika ada masalah/kekuatiran/tawaran2 dunia yg menggoda. Ia tidak bisa mengendalikan pikirannya. Seharusnya Firman menjadi jaminan. Firman menjadi fondasi, bahwa saat kita diserang/kuatir, bahwa tawaran dunia begitu indah, sedangkan ikut Tuhan kelihatannya begitu berat.

Justru Firman yg akan meluruskan pikiran kita dan membuat kita mengerti. Karena Yesus adalah segala-galanya buat hidup kita. Saya engga perlu kuatir dan bimbang lagi, karena Yesus adalah jaminan, pegangan dan sumber keselamatan dalam hidup kita.

4. Hati yg baik
Artinya: Firman kita dengar, kemudian kita praktekan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ada masalah, tetapi Firman yg menjadi kekuatan dalam hidup kita. Ada kekutatiran engga? Ada, tetapi Firman menjadi dorongan semangat kita. Ada iblis engga yg mau mencuri? Ada, tetapi Firman yg kita praktekan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, menjadi Firman yg tertanam, berakar dan berbuah, sehingga ada 30 kali ganda, ada 60 kali ganda, ada 100 kali ganda.

Jadi, saat kita terima Firman, iman kita semakin maju. Saat kita terima Firman, hidup kita semakin diberkati, rumah tangga kita semakin diberkati. Saat kita terima Firman, masa muda kita semakin suci di hadapan Tuhan. Firman harus menjadi dasar untuk kemenangan demi kemenangan di dalam hidup kita, haleluya!

Bapa, hamba berdoa secara khusus untuk setiap kami dengan masalah, persoalan. Tetapi tetap percaya bahwa Yesus adalah sumber kemenangan. Karena Firman Allah adalah dasar berpijak kami. Tuhan jamah kami semua, sehingga kami bisa melihat perkara-perkara besar yg Tuhan telah janjikan dalam hidup kami. Dalam Nama Yesus, kami berdoa dan mengucap syukur, haleluya, amin!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011



"Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"
Hebrews 1:14, NIV

Do we believe in Angels? I was at the departure gate at Luton airport waiting for my flight to Sweden with a team from Pierrepont. I had my boarding card and my passport in my hand, when my mobile phone rang. I walked away to a glass wall of the lounge to take the call. Suddenly I managed to drop my passport down the tiny groove between two pieces of plate glass. It fell down several feet. We could see it but could not get to it! I went to a lady at the desk and told her of my predicament. She told me that it was not possible to board the plane without a passport. The flight was now being called. I looked in horror at the impossibility of the situation. The team came over and prayed. An elderly lady on the team asked Jesus to send a ministering angel to retrieve my passport supernaturally. I found it difficult to say amen!

The team now needed to board the flight and my secretary and I decided to stay behind. What else could we do? Then a lady came to us with a roll of sticky tape that is used at the check-in desk for luggage. She lowered the tape in between the two panes of glass and got hold of my passport. But suddenly it dropped again with the spine facing up! She lowered the sticky tape a second time, managed to stick it to the passport, and to my amazement retrieved the passport by lifting it up several feet and handed it to me.

The flight was now closing. I went to thank the lady as we ran to the gate but she had disappeared. I said to the lady on the desk, “Would you thank your member of staff for helping me?” and she said, “Who do you mean?” Well, I explained, and she said, “We do not have such a member of staff here!” We ran to the plane just as the ladder was being taken away and the door was closing. They allowed us to board. Everyone on the plane clapped us as they had been aware of our predicament. I told the elderly lady on the team, “I think it was an angel!” “Absolutely!” she replied. God answered our prayers!

How many times do you think that angels have been involved in your life to bring you protection and help?

Maybe when we get to glory and see the video tape ‘re-run’ we will be utterly amazed to realise just how much angels have intervened.

When Jesus was being arrested in the garden He said (Matthew 26:53) ”Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and He will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?” Maybe we should ask more often for the Father to release angels to help us in times of trouble.

Today's Writer : Jill Southern-Jones Jill Southern-Jones was a successful business woman before becoming the Director of Ellel Pierrepont, home of the Luke Nine Eleven Training Programme (NETS). People from all over the world come for 5 – 10 months and learn to teach and minister on NETS. Jill’s book on Sex: God’s Truth is an essential guide to the restoration of Godly order in sexual relationships.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Not spiritual balance but God`s order!

Not spiritual balance but God`s order!

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
James 4:7, KJ

I was recently participating in teaching a weekend course looking at the possible dangers, from a spiritual point of view, of the many alternative or complementary treatments on offer today. A considerable number of these describe the procedures as holistic in their approach to healing. This word holistic usually means that the therapy is intended to meet the needs of the whole body, including the spiritual dimension of our being.

As we were looking at the procedures and claims of these treatments and comparing them with how the Bible describes God`s pathway to healing, we became increasingly aware of just how many of the alternative therapies frequently assert the need for restoring balance to the energy or spiritual patterns within the body, in order to bring harmony and wellbeing. It was also very noticeable that none of the therapies mentioned the problem of sin.

After the course, when I returned home, I went for a walk through the town where I live and I was astonished when I noticed a new sign with the headline BODY BALANCE on the window of a shop shortly to be opened, offering a particular alternative therapy for the cure of various disorders. It seemed that the Lord was further emphasising the significance of this deception of biblical truth.

The word of God does not tell us that restoration comes from finding balance in our spirit, soul and body but by establishing God`s order within our being through submission to Jesus, confessing how we have been out of line with God, and letting Him bring spiritual, emotional and physical healing as we walk under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, when we`re in need of spiritual restoration You`re the only safe solution. Help us to be alert to the enemy`s enticements to put our bodies into the wrong hands in trying to find the healing that can only truly come from You. Amen.

Today's Writer : David Cross David Cross is now the Western Europe Director of Ellel Ministries. He trained as an engineer, built bridges in Hong Kong and ran a ski school in Scotland before he and his wife Denise joined Ellel Ministries in 1993. His recent books on Soul-Ties and Covering are already best-sellers.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

194. Yesus mengajar - Markus 4:1-3

Pada suatu kali Yesus mulai pula mengajar di tepi danau. Maka datanglah orang banyak yang sangat besar jumlahnya mengerumuni Dia, sehingga IA naik ke sebuah perahu yang sedang berlabuh lalu duduk di situ, sedangkan semua orang banyak itu di darat, di tepi danau itu. 2Dan Ia mengajarkan banyak hal dalam perumpamaan kepada mereka. Dalam ajarannya itu Ia berkata kepada mereka:3"Dengarlah! Adalah seorang penabur keluar untuk menabur.

Nah, yang menarik perhatian saya adalah: di dalam pelayanan Yesus, Yesus lebih sering dipanggil guru daripada sebagai:penyembuh atau Tuhan. Yesus lebih seringkali dipanggil sebagai guru atau apapun yg lebih pantas dikenakan olehNYA. Berarti, konsekuensi tingkat pengajarannya jauh lebih luas, jauh lebih dikenal daripada sekedar mujijat dan kesembuhanNYA, meskipun Yesus sendiri tidak bisa dipisahkan dari mujijat-mujijat yg telah dilakukannya. Tetapi, karena sebutannya sebagai guru.

Berarti, murid-murid lebih sering melihat kesempatan yg ada saat Yesus mengajar, daripada saat Yesus menyembuhkan. Jadi, kesembuhan adalah bagian kelanjutan dari pemberitaan Firman Tuhan. Jadi, kita bisa bayangkan bahwa Yesus tidak melakukan penyembuhan sebelum Yesus mengajar. Dengan lain kata, dasar dari Kesembuhan adalah Firman Tuhan. Yesus tidak membangkitkan orang mati, sebelum Yesus mengajar. Dasar dari kebangkitan orang mati adalah pengajaran. Karena pengajaran adalah fondasi yg teguh dari mujijat, kemenangan dari perkara-perkara yg dahsyat.

Orang-orang Farisi dan ahli-ahli Taurat juga mengajar. Tetapi, pengajaran Yesus begitu specific. Dimanapun Yesus pergi, kemanapun Yesus berada, Yesus selalu mengajar, karena orang banyak berbondong-bondong mencari Yesus, berarti ada sesuatu yg berbeda di dalam diri Yesus yg tidak dimiliki oleh ahli-ahli Taurat.
Ada beberapa hal-hal penting yg dapat kita lihat dari ayat-ayat di atas:

1. Yesus mengajar sesuai dengan kebutuhan
Saudara lihat pada suatu kali, Yesus mulai mengajar di tepi danau. Kenapa Yesus mengajar di tepi danau, karena orang-orang di tepi danau itu yg membutuhkan Yesus. Ada saatnya Yesus berada di bait Allah dan mengajar di sana. Tetapi, ketika orang-orang yg di pinggir danau membutuhkan pengajaran Yesus, Yesus mengajar sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Yesus bukan mengajar sesuai dengan standard yg Yesus miliki.

Kalau saudara perhatikan, guru-guru yg ada saat ini. Bukan hanya di bidang pelayanan. Tetapi pada umumnya, mereka mengajar sesuai dengan standard yg mereka miliki. Misalnya: standard saya adalah bintang 5! Kalau kita lihat penceramah-penceramah sekuler, guru-guru sekuler, mereka mengajar sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kapasitasnya. Kalau kapasitasnya $$, maka dimanapun mereka mengajar, maka itulah yg menjadi standardnya. Kalaulah standardnya bintang 5, maka kemanapun mengajar, maka haruslah bintang 5. Jadi, mereka menetapkan standar sesuai dengan kemampuannya.

Tetapi, saat Yesus mengajar sama sekali berbeda dengan mereka. Karena yesus mengajar sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Kalaulah orang-orang di tempat ibadat yg membutuhkannya, Yesus ada di sana. Tetapi, ketika orang-orang di danau, para nelayan sedang membutuhkan Yesus, Yesus juga mengajar di sana. Dengan lain kata, Yesus mengajar sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Karena saudaraku yg kekasih dalam Tuhan, bila kita memahami Firman, tanpa menghubungkannya dengan kebutuhan sehari-hari, maka itu adalah pengajaran yg timpang.

Sehingga ada banyak orang yg banyak dengar tentang Firman Tuhan, tetapi dalam pekerjaan sehari-hari males, misalnya. Banyak dengar tentang Firman Tuhan, tetapi tidak mendidik anak dengan benar, atau tidak menjadi suami yg baik. Karena, Firman Tuhan yg ia pelajari merupakan sebuah pelajaran belaka, bukan merupakan suatu kebutuhan di dalam hidupnya. Jikalau engkau sebagai Ibu, Yesus mengajar engkau sesuai dengan keperluanmu sebagai sebagai seorang ibu, serta tanggung jawabmu kepada suami, kepada lingkungan. Yesus mengajar sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita, sehingga kita dapat mempraktekannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Firman Tuhan adalah bukan sesuatu agar saya tahu. Tetapi saya harus hidup di dalamNYA. Karena hidup bukan hanya roti menurut Alkitab, tetapi berdasarkan Firman Allah. Setiap keputusan dan tindakan saya, bukan berdasarkan pada apa yg menurut dunia anggap baik, tetapi berdasarkan apa yg Tuhan mau dan tuntun dalam hidup saya.

2. Yesus mengajar dengan sederhana
Dikatakan di sana "Pada suatu kali Yesus mulai pula mengajar di tepi danau. Maka datanglah orang banyak yang sangat besar jumlahnya mengerumuni Dia.."Berarti, pada saat Yesus mengajar, karena sangat besar jumlahnya, berarti bukan hanya nelayan yg ada di situ. Berarti ada juga orang miskin, orang kaya, orang terpelajar, orang biasa. Yesus mengajar dengan bahasa yg sederhana, sehingga orang yg paling pintar bisa menangkap ajaranNYA, tetapi sebaliknya, orang yg bodoh sekalipun bisa memahaminya.

Kita lihat ayat yg selanjutnya, "sehingga IA naik ke sebuah perahu yang sedang berlabuh lalu duduk di situ, sedangkan semua orang banyak itu di darat, di tepi danau itu. 2Dan Ia mengajarkan banyak hal dalam perumpamaan kepada mereka. Kenapa Yesus mengajar dengan perumpamaan? Karena Yesus mau mengajar dengan sangat sederhana. Sementara di jaman itu, orang mau mengajar dengan kata-kata yg indah dan hebat, supaya apa? Supaya kualitasnya kelihatan.

Kalaulah orang mengajar dengan kata-kata / terminologi yg hebat. Maka orang-orang akan berkata,"wah.., ini orang pintar, ini pasti lulusan luar negri, ini pasti orang hebat!" Tetapi, Yesus mengajar bukan untuk mendapatkan pujian bagi diriNYA sendiri, atau agar orang-orang memandang Dia. Tetapi, Yesus mengajar dengan kesederhanaan, supaya orang-orang yg Yesus ajar, dapat menjalaninya dengan sukacita dalam kehidupannya masing-masing.

3. Yesus mengajar dengan kasih
Yesus melihat orang banyak, sementara Yesus sangat lelah. Yesus tetap melayani. Mungkin saat Yesus mengajar, begitu banyaknya orang, sehingga Yesus harus berteriak, sampai suaraNYA mungkin tidak dapat didengar lagi, sehingga Yesus naik perahu dan dibawaNYA ke tengah danau, sehingga orang-orang dapat mendengar suara Yesus, dan semua memperoleh berkat dan kasihNYA.

Saudaraku yg kekasih dalam Tuhan, kalaulah saudara terlibat dalam pelayanan, maka 3 hal di atas adalah hal yg sangat penting: Ajarlah komunitas anda sesuai dengan kebutuhan, tidak peduli bila anda hanya ketua kelompok untuk kaum ibu, ketua remaja, atau pemuda, bersaksilah sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Kemudian ajarlah dengan menggunakan kata-kata yg sederhana. Kita perlu ngomong tentang Yesus sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Dan kita perlu ngomong tentang Yesus dengan kasih.

Yesus mengajar dengan kasih dan pancaran kasih yg keluar dari diri Yesus, itulah yg mengikat orang banyak. Orang banyak bukan melihat ajaran yg Yesus berikan, tetapi orang banyak melihat kasih yg mengalir dalam hidupNYA. Dunia ini adalah dunia yg keras dan penuh dengan kepahitan. Dunia ini perlu orang tulus. Jadilah orang yg penuh dengan kasih, dimanapun engkau berada, tebarkan kasih Allah. Ketika engkau menebarkan kasih Allah, tanpa sepatah katapun, engkau boleh melihat Kemuliaan Tuhan yg luar biasa dalam hidup saudara.

Biarlah Kasih Allah menjamah hidup saudara hari ini, dan orang-orang di sekitar saudara dapat merasakanNYA bahwa Yesus ada di dalam hati saudara, dan biarlah Kuasa kemenangan dan mujijat anda dapat anda raih dalam diri saudara, di dalam Nama Yesus kami berdoa, amin!



"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?"
Job 38:4, NIV

On a recent visit to a local historical site, we were told that the foundations of the building we were in were set below sea level and the walls that surrounded us were over 1 metre thick. The building was completed over 200 years ago, and was beautifully crafted with curved brickwork and vaulted ceilings and archways. The building was constructed as a defence tower, one of almost one hundred spread along the south coast to protect the land from invaders coming by sea. The towers are called Martello Towers and there are several near us here at Glyndley Manor. The building has not moved or leaked since its initial construction, a tribute to its designers and builders.

We have been remarking recently in the Seeds of the Kingdom, just how amazing the world is, and how wonderful our Creator God is who could call such a complex world into being. Psalm 8 indeed contrasts the awesomeness of the universe with the apparent smallness of mankind, only to remind us that God considers us to be greater than all he has made. The foundations of the world are small when compared to the great foundational qualities of man.

We are made in the image of God – the universe is not said to be so. We are given the capacity to love and be loved, not so the earth. We are intended for glory, not for eventual dissolution. We are personally redeemed through the precious blood of the Son of God, so different from the general restoration of the created order.

All this exists in every human being, however hidden it may be to the casual observer, and should give us hope when confronted with even the most difficult people. How often we question God’s wisdom when we deny others such foundational potential. As God challenged Job regarding his own assessment of God’s creative abilities, so maybe we are to reflect on our tendency to know better than God when it comes to our regard for others?

Prayer: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for making us in such a wonderful way, with so much of Your character in our foundations. Help us to regard other people as having that amazing potential within them, rather than dismissing them through our judgements of their shortcomings. Amen.

Today's Writer : John Berry John Berry is Team Pastor and part of the Leadership Team at Ellel Glyndley Manor, with his wife Jennie, having previously been in Baptist church ministry for over 30 years. His heart is for the equipping of the church for its ministry, and he sees the healing and deliverance ministry of Ellel as an essential part of this. John has travelled widely in the course of his work, and enjoys being a grandfather 6 times over!

A Dream with a Message

A Dream with a Message

"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners..."
Genesis 37:10–11, NIV

It is seldom that I remember a dream the following day. But one such dream seems to have lodged in the memory with such significance that it cannot be overlooked.

In the dream, a person was tightly trapped inside a large pipe, and was unable to move. After a long period of time someone recognised their predicament and was able to extricate the individual, but because they had been trapped for such a long period of time, they were unable to move any of their limbs. It was as if they were paralysed.

Recognising the situation, the rescuer began to gently move their arms and legs, flexing them and helping to restore natural movement until the person was able to move them naturally, stand on their own feet and walk.

This dream seemed to be showing what many people are like when they need to be brought to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ after a lifetime of sinful living. They need help to become set free from the "baggage" and "bondage" of their sinful past.

This is where a ministry of healing, wisely and sensitively used, is able to be used to "set the captives free". Firstly, they need help in recognising what sin is and what it has done to trap and enslave them, rendering them powerless to overcome it.

Explaining the need of repentance of sin and receiving God’s forgiveness is the first step to the freedom that is available to them through the salvation Jesus offers. Then showing them that by renouncing their former lifestyle and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit to enable them to overcome temptation when it arises, will encourage them to develop their strength and ability to grow in their new found faith.

Also, breaking the relationships with the colleagues they were associated with in their former way of life is another important step towards that development and freedom. These steps are the "Good news to the poor and freedom for the captives" which each of us who are disciples of Jesus are called to proclaim and bring to those who have been so deeply oppressed.

Prayer: Dear Lord God. Thank You for sending Jesus to set the captives free, and thank You for setting me free. Enable me to bring to those who are trapped in their sinful ways the good news of freedom that can be theirs through Jesus, I pray in His Name. Amen.
Today's Writer : David Silvester David Silvester is married and has a son, two daughters and eight grandchildren. He trained as a production engineer. He then moved on to become a lecturer of engineering craft skills before being called of God in his early fifties to become a pastor of a Baptist church. He says that,"having previously experienced an amazing healing on a day others expected me to die, it came as no surprise that God directed me and my wife, Margaret, to become involved with Ellel Ministries."

Monday, June 20, 2011

Job forgave his friends

Job forgave his friends

"My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you."
Job 42:5, NIV

Job set out on a journey that began with the question, “Why do I suffer?” He ended that journey with a powerful confession of faith, “Now my eyes have seen you.”

Three friends walked the journey with Job. Sadly, they misrepresented God and His ways to Job. When Job said to God “My ears had heard of You”, he was referring to all that his friends had said about God. Being convinced that Job was suffering because he had sinned, they judged him harshly. This condemnation caused him great confusion and added to his suffering. Eventually God said He was angry with Job’s friends; “You have not spoken of me what is right” (Job 42:7).

God held Job’s friends accountable for their misrepresentation of His ways and for their judgmental attitude towards Job. Their penance was to sacrifice a burnt offering for themselves and allow Job to pray for them (Job 42:8). Job is asked to extend mercy and forgiveness to his friends. There is to be no bitterness, no getting even - simply heartfelt forgiveness. It is this, rather than his own repentance, that results in Job’s restoration and the latter part of his life being more blessed than anything he had previously known (Job 42:12).

Job had a revelation of God. He then repented and experienced God’s forgiveness (Job 42:6). It was then that he was able to truly forgive those who had deeply wounded him, and was able to pray for them.

At the centre of the universe is a loving, faithful Creator. His love is unfailing, enduring and unconditional. He can be trusted - even when we don’t understand the events of our life. God the Father revealed Himself in the Person of Jesus and He’s abounding in love and forgiveness. His forgiveness to us is a gift of His grace. That grace is offered to us day by day, enabling us to forgive, and even pray for, those who have wronged us. Is there someone in your life today whom you are struggling to forgive?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You that You are abounding in love and forgiveness. Please give me the grace to forgive others, as I have been forgiven. Amen.
Today's Writer : Margaret Silvester Margaret Silvester had a career as a teacher prior to being called into full time Christian Ministry with her husband, David, in 1986. They were involved in establishing a Healing Ministry in the local church and Margaret has a passion to see lost and wounded people found and restored. She and her husband joined the Ellel Ministries teaching and ministry team in 2000 after a clear call from God.