Thursday, October 29, 2009

Doing things my way or God’s way

Doing things my way or God’s way

Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name.

Psalm 86:11, NIV
The ark, which symbolised the presence of God, was in the process of being moved to Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 13). The oxen pulling the cart stumbled and Uzzah, one of David’s men, put his hand on the ark to steady it. As a result of his action he died, and the journey of the ark to Jerusalem was delayed. Why did such a terrible thing happen when Uzzah seemed to act out of instinct and unselfish motives? Why was God displeased?

Firstly, God had clearly said that not one of the holy things had to be touched (Numbers 4:15). However good Uzzah’s action seemed, and whatever his intention, he acted in disobedience. In times of crisis we too can be tempted to act on instinct and do what seems best to save the situation. However, our instinct and even our unselfish motives, may not be God’s way of saving the situation, and will not bring God’s ultimate blessing.

Secondly, did Uzzah think God needed a helping hand and that He could not protect Himself? Did Uzzah believe he had to keep his God from harm? It would have been a tragedy if the ark had fallen from the cart. To lose the ark would signify the loss of the presence of God to the Israelites. However, they forgot the greatness of their God. And so do we! How many times do we try to give God a helping hand to get things done our way? How often do we think that if we don’t feel the presence of God He’s not there? God shares His purposes with us, but He doesn’t need our help. His presence is always with His children. We don’t need to keep asking that we feel it. Rather we need to live day by day in the joy of His presence.

Thirdly, in the moving of the ark, God’s will had not been sought. Looking back on the event David knew the reason for the disaster, “We did not enquire of Him (the Lord our God) about how to do it in the prescribed way” (1 Chronicles 15:13). The ark did arrive safely in Jerusalem, but the second half of the journey was done God’s way. God’s way is always the best. We need to seek it. This pre-supposes the willingness to obey. Obeying God is freedom. It delivers us from the slavery of relying on assumptions, good instincts and good works even in crisis situations.

Today's Writer : Margaret Silvester Margaret Silvester had a career as a teacher prior to being called into full time Christian Ministry with her husband, David, in 1986. They were involved in establishing a Healing Ministry in the local church and Margaret has a passion to see lost and wounded people found and restored. She and her husband joined the Ellel Ministries teaching and ministry team in 2000 after a clear call from God.

Monday, October 26, 2009

From Obscurity to Glory

From Obscurity to Glory

Now David said, “Is there not still someone of the house of Saul, to whom I may show the kindness of God?”

2 Sam 9:3, NIV
Life could have been so different for Mephibosheth, King Saul’s grandson, if only Saul had been obedient to God. As it was, Mephibosheth’s young life did not begin well, being hit by the triple tragedy of the death of his father Jonathan, and his grandfather Saul and being dropped by his nurse during their escape to safety, as a result of which Mephibosheth became lame in both feet.

Consequently, the young prince spent many years of his life being totally dependant on the help of others in less than princely circumstances. He could do nothing for himself. But, just when all seemed lost and Mephibosheth had all but given up hope…God intervened and rescued him.

The new King, David, remembered the covenant he had made with Jonathan to show the kindness to Jonathan’s descendants. Suddenly the king’s call came for Mephibosheth, and like a shaft of brilliant light, pierced his darkness. He was plucked from obscurity and hopelessness and seated in the king’s house where he ate at the king’s table for the rest of his life. What a transformation! The call of the king had made all the difference.

The great news is that the call of the King of Kings has done the same for you and me.
Mephibosheth had the choice – he could have politely refused King David’s invitation and allowed pride to keep him in poverty and obscurity – but he wasn’t about to miss the best offer he’d ever had in life!

Know today who you belong to! The King of Kings has prepared the best for you. No matter how bad your start in life, or whatever your circumstances are now, God is calling you by name, Jesus is the lifter of your head and through his sacrificial death on the cross of Calvary, and resurrection power, Jesus has made it possible for you to enjoy ALL the blessings he has in store for you. He loves you with an everlasting love and DELIGHTS in you!

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for calling me by name and coming to my rescue. Thank you for your favour, love, life and hope. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Today's Writer : Patricia Lake Patricia Lake is the Secretary to Peter Horrobin (the Founder and International Director of Ellel Ministries) having previously trained in business before joining Ellel Ministries International in January 2000. She was also in ministry in her local Pentecostal church before feeling the call of God to serve in the healing and deliverance ministry at Ellel Grange in the northwest of England.

Friday, October 23, 2009

112. Menjadi batu sandungan - Matius 17:22-27

22Pada waktu Yesus dan murid-murid-Nya bersama-sama di Galilea, Ia berkata kepada mereka:"Anak manusia akan diserahkan ke dalam tangan manusia. 23dan mereka akan membunuh Dia dan pada hari ketiga Ia akan dibangkitkan. Maka hati murid-murid-Nya itupun sedih sekali. 24Ketika Yesus dan murid-muridNya tiba di Kapernaum datanglah pemungut bea Bait Allah kepada Petrus dan berkata:"Apakah gurumu tidak membayar bea dua dirham itu? 25Jawabnya:"Memang membayar." Dan ketika Petrus masuk rumah, Yesus mendahuluinya dengan pertanyaan: "Apakah pendapatmu, Simon? Dari siapakah raja-raja dunia ini memungut bea dan pajak? Dari rakyatnya atau dari orang asing? 26Jawab Petrus: "Dari orang asing!" Maka kata Yesus kepadanya: "Jadi bebaslah rakyatnya. 27Tetapi supaya jangan kita menjadi batu sandungan bagi mereka, pergilah memancing ke danau. Dan ikan pertama yang kau pancing, tangkaplah dan bukalah mulutnya, maka engkau akan menemukan mata uang empat dirham di dalamnya. Ambillah itu dan bayarkanlah kepada mereka bagi-Ku dan bagimu juga.

Saudaraku yg kekasih di dalam Tuhan, kita lihat satu permasalahan di dalam Alkitab tentang membayar pajak. Yesus membuktian kepada Petrus, sambil berkata,"Petrus, sebetulnya pajak diambil dari orang asing atau dari rakyat? Petrus jawab,"dari orang asing." Lalu Yesus jawab,"Petrus sebetulnya agar kita tidak menjadi batu sandungan, kita akan buktikan bahwa kita membayar pajak.

Itu sebabnya Yesus berkata,:pergilah memancing ke danau. Dan ikan pertama yang kau pancing, tangkaplah dan bukalah mulutnya, maka engkau akan menemukan mata uang empat dirham di dalamnya. Ambillah itu dan bayarkanlah kepada mereka 2 dirham dan bayar kepada aku 2 dirham. Kita melihat suatu cerita yang bagi sebagian orang, betul engga ini pernah terjadi. Kita melihat suatu cerita yg sulit sekali untuk dibayangkan. Kita melihat bahwa Yesus menyuruh Petrus untuk memancing ikan, dan Yesus tahu ikan mana yang harus ditangkap dan Yesus sudah tahu di dalam mulut ikan itu ada 4 dirham. Ini membuktikan kepada kita bahwa Yesus adalah Allah yg tahu mengenai segala perkara.

Yesus adalah Allah yg mengerti segala sesuatu bahkan sebelum segala sesuatu terjadi. Karena itu, mengiring Kristus adalah hidup dalam kepastian. Mengikut Yesus adalah jalan yg ditempuh dengan sukacita. Secara khusus hari ini, saya tertarik dengan kalimat pada ayat yg ke-27Tetapi supaya jangan kita menjadi batu sandungan bagi mereka. Nah, Kekristenan dipanggil agar kita tidak menjadi batu sandungan. Kekristenan dipanggil supaya hidup kita menjadi terang bagi banyak orang.

Ada 3 hal penting di dalam Alkitab agar kita tidak menjadi batu sandungan bagi orang:

1. Kristus menjaga diriNYA dan murid-muridNya agar jangan menjadi batu sandungan.
Meskipun Yesus sendiri diperlakukan secara tidak adil. Tetapi Yesus bukanlah tipe orang yg berjuang untuk membela haknya. Tetapi Yesus justru berjuang untuk menyelamatkan banyak orang. Dunia ini penuh dengan kekacauan, kenapa? Karena orang sedang berjuang untuk membela haknya. Kenapa penjara penuh, kenapa pengadilan penuh, kenapa kasus-kasus baik di pengadilan negri maupun di Mahkamah Agung, kenapa kasus-kasus seperti itu terjadi? Karena orang-orang sedang berjuang untuk membela haknya. Nah, di tengah kita sedang mempertahankan hak kita, tanpa kita sadari kita sedang menekan dan merampas hak orang. Kadang kala kita tidak menganggap penting hak orang.

Kadang kala kita mengabaikan hak orang. Kristus adalah Tuhan yg menjaga diriNYA dan murid-muridNya agar jangan menjadi batu sandungan. Kristus bisa saja memperjuangkan hakNya pada waktu itu, tetapi Kristus datang ke muka bumi ini, bukan untuk memperjuangkan hakNya. Tetapi, Kristus datang ke muka bumi ini untuk menyelamatkan saudara dan saya. Saudaraku yg kekasih dalam Tuhan, saya mengerti, ada saudara-saudara yg mendengarkan dan berkata,"Pak Pendeta, hak saya sepertinya diinjak-injak, atau ada yg berkata,"hak saya sepertinya diabaikan, martabat saya diinjak-injak."
Bukan saya bilang bahwa Kekristenan adalah orang yg mengabaikan haknya, tetapi yg saya mau beritahu adalah: Hak saya dijamin oleh Allah. Kita tahu bahwa keadilan bukan datang dari manusia, keadilan bukan terjadi di pengadilan, tetapi pengadilan ada di tangan Tuhan. Ada saudara-saudara yg bilang, saya kecewa dengan pengadilan dan semuanya direkayasa sedemikian rupa, yg akhirnya saya dipojokkan.

Dan saudara yg mengikuti program ini, saya mau beritahu bahwa saudara tidak perlu kecil hati, sakit hati dan kecewa menghadapi segalanya. Bangkitkanlah imanmu dan bilang,"Pada Allah ada Keadilan yg pasti." Mungkin di dalam rumah tangga anda diperlakukan secara tidak adil, mungkin saudara merasa kakak lebih disayang daripada saudara, mungkin saudara merasa adik anda lebih disayang papa daripada saudara. Jawaban saya adalah manusia bisa diperlakukan secara tidak adil. Tetapi, kita hidup bukan untuk memperjuangkan hak kita, tetapi kita hidup untuk menjadi terang dan jangan jadi batu sandungan bagi orang lain.

2. Kita dapat menjadi batu sandungan, kadang kala lewat perkara-perkara sederhana.
Kita lihat di ayatnya yg ke-24 Ketika Yesus dan murid-muridNya tiba di Kapernaum datanglah pemungut bea Bait Allah kepada Petrus dan berkata:"Apakah gurumu tidak membayar bea dua dirham itu? Kadang kala betul, saudara sudah aktif di gereja, kadang kala betul saudara telah terlibat di lembaga-lembaga pelayanan. Betul mungkin saudara sudah menjadi guru sekolah minggu, betul saudara sudah terlibat di anggota koor di gereja. Tetapi, kita dapat menjadi batu sandungan lewat perkara-perkara sederhana. Kadang kala lewat cerita-cerita yg tidak berkenan kepada Tuhan, kadang kala lewat tontonan-tontonan yg tidak berkenan kepada Tuhan, kadang kala lewat bacaan-bacaan najis, bacaan-bacaan porno yg menurut kita itu kan hanya bacaan-bacaan biasa. Betul, tapi tanpa kita sadari kita bukan hanya bercanda, tetapi kita menyakiti hati orang. Kita bukan bercerita-cerita sesuatu yg lucu, tetapi kita sedang bercerita sesuatu yg najis.

Yang menurut Alkitab, hal-hal yg sia-sia yg harus kita pertanggungjawabkan pada akhirnya. Berarti harus kita ingat lewat hal-hal sederhana kita dapat menjadi batu sandungan. Kalau kita tidak berkenan kepada Tuhan, maka kita dapat menjadi batu sandungan. Mungkin saudara-saudara yg duduk di bangku kuliah/studi. Saudara berkata,"saya cinta Yesus, tapi mama tidak senang melihat saya ikut Kristus." Karena, mungkin orang tua saudara sedang melihat sesuatu yg tidak beres dari diri saudara. Engkau aktif di dalam gereja, tapi nilai-nilaimu semakin merosot. Orang Kristen, di dalam studinya merosot nilainya, dan tidak baik studinya, itu dapat menjadi batu sandungan.

Orang lain bisa melihat, koq orang Kristen males, koq orang Kristen gagal terus, bodoh dan tidak maju. Nah, saudaraku yg kekasih dalam Tuhan bila ada suami yg tidak mengasihi istrinya dengan sungguh-sungguh, ini dapat menjadi batu sandungan. Tetangga di sebelah bisa melihat, koq orang Kristen rumah tangganya penuh dengan amarah, kebencian dan perkelahian. Lewat hal-hal yg sederhana ini, kita dapat menjadi kesaksian yg hidup. Bila saudara melakukan hal-hal yg sederhana, saudara mengasihi istri saudara dengan sungguh-sungguh. Saudara mengasihi anak-anak saudara dengan sungguh-sungguh dan mendidik anak-anak anda untuk takut akan Tuhan.

Maka, orang di sekitar saudara, akan melihat semuanya itu. Dan hal ini sungguh memuliakan nama Bapa di Sorga. Kita ingat Ratu dari Selatan yg datang untuk menemui Salomo. Ketika ratu ini datang dan melihat cara duduk dari pegawai-pegawainya, cara dari mereka mempersiapkan makanan, cara mereka menyambut tamu. Langsung ratu ini berkata,"Terpujilah AllahNya Salomo. Berarti Ratu ini memuji Tuhan lewat perkara-perkara sederhana.

3. Tuhan akan selalu buka jalan bagi orang-orang yg rindu menjadi berkat
Mungkin, saat itu di kasnya Petrus, tidak ada uang sama sekali. Tapi, karena ada kerinduan untuk menjadi berkat, meskipun Petrus harus pergi ke danau, pancing ikan dan ambil uang. Cara yg buat sebagian orang adalah cara yg mustahil, tapi dengan suatu kepastian, bahwa Allah akan membuka jalan bagi orang-orang yg rindu untuk menjadi berkat bagi orang lain. Saudara mungkin bilang, saya ingin menjadi berkat, tetapi masa lalu saya buruk. Tetapi saya mau bilang, "Tuhan akan selalu buka jalan bagi orang-orang yg rindu menjadi berkat!" Ingat, orang Kristen harus menjadi berkat dan jangan menjadi batu sandungan.

Bapa, dalam Nama Yesus hamba berdoa: Agar kami sebagai orang percaya jangan menjadi batu sandungan. Kadang kala kita dapat menjadi batu sandungan lewat perkara-perkara sederhana, Tuhan jamin, Tuhan janji, kalau kita mau menjadi berkat, Tuhan akan buka jalan. Tolong kami ya Tuhan, yang mungkin sedang sakit , tapi tetap ingin menjadi berkat. Tolong kami yg sedang dalam goncangan, tetapi tetap ingin menjadi berkat, tolong kami yg sedang ada dalam masalah, tetapi rindu untuk menjadi berkat. Karena Tuhan berjanji akan menolong orang-orang yg rindu untuk menjadi berkat, dan pertolongan bagi banyak orang. Hamba berdoa agar Kuasa dan mujijat Kristus turun atas mereka yg percaya, haleluya, Amin!

A Different Message

A Different Message

See to it that no-one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.

Colossians 2: 8, NIV
In this letter Paul is telling us that the Christian is complete in Christ rather than lacking anything or having deficiencies, as the Gnostics of the day were teaching. We are complete in Christ Jesus and we would be better to consider ourselves as ‘no longer sinners but as saints who have the potential to sin!’ This completeness we have in Jesus includes the putting off the sinful nature, resurrection from spiritual death, forgiveness of sin, and deliverance from legalism and evil spirits (Colossians 2:11-15).
What I have noticed recently is that so many people are taking on the world’s standards and they seem to be totally unaware of the fact. The challenge to us as Christians is ‘Can we be identified as different from the rest of the world? Or are we just trying to conform like everyone else?’ The spies who came back with their reports explained what they had seen. The difference was that they were ‘men of a different spirit’. Shouldn’t we stand out from the crowd? Or are our fears and inhibitions holding us back from being the people God created us to be?

God calls us to be a holy people. But the world is seeking happiness! Are we seeking a life of ease and pleasure or are we seeking to move into our God-given destiny, work and calling? Many Christians have taken on the current eating fads and are following diets to control their weight. Lisa Bevere explains in her book ‘You are not What you Weigh’ that dieting is the devil’s counterfeit to fasting! How many seek position and status rather than a servant heart? God has not called us to success, but faithfulness, fuelled by compassion.

The world is gripped by fear but, as believers, we can know freedom and what it means to be loved by a Father who is a Covenant keeping God. We are loved and accepted. And that means we don’t need to live in the fear of being rejected by anyone, because our security is in Him.

We’re constantly bombarded in the media with the realms of unreality. Films, TV programmes and Soaps, all lead away from the truth and reality of our lives. But it’s only as we encounter the truth with ‘the Truth’ that our lives are going to be transformed. Pushing away or dissociating from reality won’t resolve our problems. It just leaves them to come up another day!

Jesus came to set the captives free, heal the broken hearted, and take all our pain on the tree. The world we live in today would tell us that we have to live with our sicknesses and manage our pain. But didn’t Jesus say that He’d come that we might have life, and have it more abundantly?

We do have a different message to bring to the world, not just a theory or theology but a life transforming experience in Jesus. Let’s lay hold of all that He’s won for us on the cross and experience ‘the finished work of the cross’ .We sell the cross short and make God less than He really is if we don’t keep Him as our Covenant keeping God who has made every provision for us in Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Thank You, Jesus, that in You I can be made complete. Help me to come into a deeper and closer relationship with our Father and to experience all the blessing that You have won for me on the Cross. I choose to put away old habits of behaviour and choose to face the reality of my life knowing that You can bring about the changes that are going to glorify your name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Today's Writer : Ian Coates Ian Coates Ian has served with Ellel Ministries since its inception. He is part of the Executive Leadership team and is Centre Director at Ellel Grange, where the team will soon be hosting the nine week Flagship School. His sensitive but direct teaching helps people to face the real issues in their lives without feeling they are being pressurised or condemned.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Waves of Life

Waves of Life

Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea— the LORD on high is mighty.

Psalm 93:4 , NIV
We were blessed to spend our holiday this year staying very close to a beach. Every morning we would make the short walk down to the beach to see what the sea had done overnight. We would see if it had washed clean yesterday’s footprints, dug a deeper trench for the river to flow along, or brought up any more shells or drift-wood? Each morning the overall landscape looked the same, but always there were some subtle differences.

At the beginning of our stay, the beach was pretty predictable, with a gentle washing in and out of the tide. However, towards the end of our holiday, the wind had picked dramatically and the tide was at a high point.

The morning after the start of these dramatic tides we took our usual walk to the beach and were amazed at the vastness of the change to the landscape. The small gulley we once walked through to go to the next beach was now a long series of barely passable high rocks – hardly any sand to be seen in it. The river almost looked like part of the sea and there was an amazing amount of debris against the rocky headland, washed up by the ferocious tides.

It led me to thinking of this Scripture. Many of us long for God to come in power and perform a mighty and dramatic work in our lives. Yet, the daily washing goes unnoticed. It’s worth noting that the sand formation, the rock formation, the river formation… all that makes the beach what it is, is achieved through persistent and frequent tidal forces. The mighty tides that come in power and force merely unearth what has been forged through years of gentle and persistent movement.

Waiting only for the times when God moves powerfully in our lives doesn’t change the overall landscape of our lives. It’s the gentle, almost imperceptible, daily living of normal life that forges the landscape of our lives. It’s our choice how we live that life – with God at the centre or not.

We need to greet each day with a knowledge that God’s daily presence in our lives will transform us one day at a time, just as the tide transforms the landscape of a beach. Praise God that His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23) and that our lives are being forged into something more beautiful each and every day.

Prayer: Thank You, God, that You continue to transform me into what You want me to become. Help me not to disregard Your gentle but powerful forging of my life as I walk with You, one day at a time. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Today's Writer : Lindsey Hanekom Lindsey Hanekom has, over the years, worked at all our UK centres! In 2003 Lindsey and her husband, Johann, joined the Blairmore team where she worked as the Centre Administrator as well as ministering and teaching on retreats and courses. She is currently a full-time mum to her baby son, Kyle and enjoys country sports in her spare time.

Godliness and Power

Godliness and Power

‘Having a form of godliness but denying its power’

2 Timothy 3:5, NIV
Having been brought up in a Christian home, and attending a local church where there was great emphasis on scriptural teaching, I questioned why we didn’t hear anything about prayer for healing and deliverance. It always puzzled me. If anyone was sick, the prayer would be, ‘Lord, if it’s Your will, heal’.

In the Bible we read about the miracles of Jesus and how He went about healing the sick and delivering people from demonic influences, but these things weren’t taught about or applied to our lives and service for the Lord.

Great emphasis on the preaching of salvation through faith in Jesus brought many into the Kingdom, but there was nothing of how to deal with the baggage of the past that the new converts brought with them.

I struggled with the question, ‘Why don’t we see today the kind of miracles of healing that Jesus sent the disciples to do in His Name?’ It was only when the Lord called me to become a pastor myself that the reason became clear.

I was called to preach the Word, and shepherd the flock. But to do that God had to move me out of my original comfort zone, into a place where I was willing for Him to do those things today that Jesus and His disciples were doing. I soon witnessed both deliverance and healing in a wonderful way.

When we’re in a place where the situations that are beyond our control are handed over to God, and his Holy Spirit is able to direct us, then we see God do His work in a different and powerful way.

Prayer: Thank You Lord for Your patience and guidance when we don’t understand where we are, other than in Your Kingdom. Thank You that You call us and lead us into the pathway of learning more of Your power over the powers of sickness and evil. Lead me into greater experiences of Your power to bless hurting and damaged people, for Your glory I pray, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Today's Writer : David Silvester David Silvester is married and has a son, two daughters and eight grandchildren. He trained as a production engineer. He then moved on to become a lecturer of engineering craft skills before being called of God in his early fifties to become a pastor of a Baptist church. He says that,"having previously experienced an amazing healing on a day others expected me to die, it came as no surprise that God directed me and my wife, Margaret, to become involved with Ellel Ministries."

Saturday, October 17, 2009

111. Iman sebesar biji sesawi -Matius 17:14-21

14Ketika Yesus dan murid-muridNya kembali kepada orang banyak itu, datanglah seorang mendapatkan Yesus dan menyembah, 15katanya: "Tuhan, kasihanilah anakku. Ia sakit ayan dan sangat menderita. Ia sering jatuh ke dalam api dan juga sering ke dalam air. 16Aku sudah membawanya kepada murid-murid-Mu, tetapi mereka tidak dapat menyembuhkannya." 17Maka kata Yesus: "Hai kamu angkatan yang tidak percaya dan yang sesat, berapa lama lagi Aku harus tinggal di antara kamu? Berapa lama lagi Aku harus sabar terhadap kamu? Bawalah anak itu kemari! 18Dengan keras Yesus menegor dia, lalu keluarlah setan itu dari padanya dan anak itupun sembuh seketika itu juga. 19Kemudian murid-murid Yesus datang dan ketika mereka sendirian dengan Dia, bertanyalah mereka:"Mengapa kami tidak dapat mengusir setan itu?" 20Ia berkata kepada mereka:"Karena kamu kurang percaya. Sebab Aku berkata kepadamu:Sesungguhnya sekiranya kamu mempunyai iman sebesar biji sesawi saja kamu dapat berkata kepada gunung ini: Pindah dari tempat ini ke sana, - maka gunung ini akan pindah dan takkan ada yang mustahil bagimu. 21Jenis ini tidak dapat diusir kecuali dengan berdoa dan berpuasa."

Saudaraku, lewat bacaan ini, kita melihat betapa pentingnya iman. Saudara bisa bayangkan bahwa orang ini datang kepada Yesus dan berkata "kami telah membawa anak kami kepada murid-muridMU, tetapi mereka tidak dapat menyembuhkannya." Murid-muridMU telah mendoakannya, murid-muridMU telah melayaninya, tetapi tidak ada sesuatu yg terjadi. Yesus marah dan berkata "Hai kamu angkatan yang tidak percaya dan yang sesat, berapa lama lagi Aku harus tinggal di antara kamu? Lalu murid-muridNya berkata kepada Yesus "Guru, kenapa kami sudah berdoa, tetapi kami tidak mendapat apa-apa?" Lalu, Yesus berkata"Karena kamu kurang percaya?" Lalu Yesus berkata "Sesungguhnya sekiranya kamu mempunyai iman sebesar biji sesawi saja kamu dapat berkata kepada gunung ini: Pindah dari tempat ini ke sana, - maka gunung ini akan pindah dan takkan ada yang mustahil bagimu. Kita lihat bahwa iman itu menentukan banyak hal dalam hidup kita dan Yesus sarankan dan tekankan, bukanlah iman yg sebesar gunung, tetapi iman sebesar biji sesawi saja.

Asalkan kita punya iman sebesar biji sesawi, maka itu cukup untuk memindahkan gunung. Saya pelajari ada 3 hal penting untuk membahas iman sebesar biji sesawi ini:

1. Jika kita punya iman sebesar biji sesawi, kita dapat menolong orang lain
Saudaraku yg kekasih dalam Tuhan, ada banyak orang yg hidup hanya untuk kepentingan dirinya sendiri. Saya sebut dunia ini adalah dunia yg egois. Dimana-mana kita jumpai, orang-orang hanya mementingkan kepentingan dirinya sendiri. Korupsi terjadi dimana-mana. Orang-orang egois ada dimana-mana, kenapa? Karena masing-masing orang hanya memikirkan kepentingan dirinya sendiri, kekayaan dan kesenangannya sendiri. Sehingga dimana-mana orang miskin ditindas, dimana-mana orang susah semakin dipersulit, kenapa? Karena orang hidup hanya memikirkan kepentingan dirinya sendiri. Sementara itu orang yg memiliki iman sebesar biji sesawi, dia bukan hanya hidup untuk kepentingan dan kesenangan dirinya sendiri, tetapi mulai berpikir mengenai kebutuhan orang lain.

Bagaimana orang lain dapat tertolong, bagaimana orang lain dapat dikuatkan, sehingga apa yg terjadi? Waktu orang datang membawa anaknya yg sakit, Yesus langsung menyembuhkannya. Dunia ini membutuhkan orang-orang yg dapat menguatkan orang lain dan dapat mengulurkan tangan bagi orang-orang yg berkebutuhan. Banyak rumah tangga yg penuh dengan orang-orang egois di dalamnya. Suami tidak pernah pikirkan kepentingkan dan kebutuhan istrinya, orang tua tidak pernah mementingkan kebutuhan anak-anaknya. Istri hanya berpikir yg saya mau suami saya begini, orang tua kadang kala memaksakan kehendak mereka sendiri bagi pilihan studi anak-anaknya.
Jika kita orang Kristen hidup dengan selalu memaksakan kehendaknya sendiri/egois, maka hidupnya akan penuh dengan air mata dan kehancuran. Tetapi sekali lagi saya ulangi. Bila kita punya iman sebesar biji sesawi, maka akan timbul kerinduan untuk menolong orang lain. Ada banyak orang beriman hanya untuk memiliki mobil yg mahal dan rumah yg bagus, ada banyak orang yg beriman agar saya punya uang lebih banyak dan berkat makin melimpah. Bila kita punya iman yg Yesus katakan sebesar biji sesawi, maka apa yg terjadi? Dia akan memiliki kerinduan dan keinginan untuk menolong orang lain.

2. Jika kita memiliki iman sebesar biji sesawi, maka kita tidak akan sesat
Kita lihat ayat yg ke 17Maka kata Yesus: "Hai kamu angkatan yang tidak percaya dan yang sesat, berapa lama lagi Aku harus tinggal di antara kamu? Berapa lama lagi Aku harus sabar terhadap kamu? Orang yg memiliki iman sebesar biji sesawi, dia tidak akan tersesat. Persoalannya dengan kita, sebenarnya kita ingin hidup dan ikut Tuhan, kitapun ingin hidup di jalan Yesus dan kebenaran. Tetapi apa yg terjadi? Dalam praktek kehidupan kita sehari-hari kadang kala jalan kita melenceng, kadang kala kita berjalan menurut kedagingan kita, kadang kala kita jalan di jalan kesenangan dunia. Sehingga sebetulnya bukan kehendak kita untuk melakukan sesuatu yg salah.

Bukan kehendak engkau sebagai seorang suami untuk terlibat dengan wanita lain. Bukan kehendak engkau sebagai istri untuk terlibat dengan pria lain. Bukan kehendak engkau sebagai anak-anak muda untuk terlibat dalam dosa dan kebebasan seksual. Tetapi persoalannya adalah engkau tersesat di jalanmu. Engkau tidak berjalan di dalam iman, tetapi engkau berjalan di dalam daging dan kesenangan dunia serta berjalan di dalam kesenanganmu sendiri. Alkitab jelas berkata,"Orang yg berjalan mengandalkan kekuatannya sendiri, maka terkutuklah dia!" Apabila kita memiliki iman sebesar biji sesawi, maka kita tidak akan sesat. Tetap berjalan di jalan Tuhan. Seberat apapun jalan itu, kita tidak kompromi dengan dosa, sesukar apapun yg kita hadapi, tapi kita tidak lari dari kenyataan hidup. Mungkin saudara berkata,"Tapi situasi kehidupan saya sangat berat." Mungkin saudara berkata,"Saya ditekan dimana-mana, saya diperlakukan secara tidak adil dan kesulitan terjadi." Tetapi, sekali lagi, bila kita memiliki iman sebesar biji sesawi, maka kita tidak akan sesat.

Kita tetap mampu berjalan di jalan Tuhan, kita tetap setia bersama dengan Tuhan, kita dengan suka cita menghadapi segala perkara, walaupun kita berkata,"Doaku belum terdengar, doaku belum dijawab oleh Allah, doaku kelihatannya belum menjadi mujijat di dalam hidupku, tetaplah engkau setia sama Tuhan. Karena Alkitab berkata,"Bahwa orang yg bertahan sampai kesudahannya, ialah yg akan memperoleh selamatnya." Kenapa ada banyak orang yg pergi ke dukun dan paranormal-paranormal. Jawabannya adalah karena ia tersesat, karena ia tidak dapat setia di jalan Tuhan.

3. Kita mendapatkan iman sebesar biji sesawi bila kita tekun berdoa dan berpuasa
Berarti saudaraku yg kekasih dalam Tuhan, bagaimana kita dapat memiliki iman? Bukan hanya sekedar kita memiliki pengetahuan. Saudara boleh berkata saya lulusan luar negeri, atau saya seorang insinyur/Dokter. Tetapi, saya mau beritahu, jikalau saudara tidak rajin berdoa, berpuasa dan memiliki hubungan yg akrab dengan Tuhan, semua masalah akan menjadi begitu berat. Rasanya menghadapi dunia begitu sukar, rasanya menghadapi tantangan demi tantangan begitu menyakitkan. Tetapi, hari ini saya mau beritahu, asalkan kita tekun terus berdoa, iman sebesar biji sesawi, maka kita akan dapat melihat bahwa tidak ada sesuatu yg mustahil bagi orang percaya.
Bagi setiap saudara yg mengikuti program ini, bukan masalah saudara yg begitu berat, tetapi iman saudara yg begitu kecil, sampai sebesar biji sesawi saja tidak ada!
Jadi kita bangkitkan imanmu, tegarkan jiwamu dan percaya kepada Allah karena Tuhanlah yg memberikan kemenangan bagi kita sekalian. Bagi engkau yg berbeban berat, katakan"Aku percaya, dan bagi Allah tidak ada sesuatu yg mustahil."

Bapa di dalam Nama Yesus, kami melihat seorang yg punya masalah dengan anaknya yg sakit, Yesus sembuhkan di dalam iman. Dan kadang kala, kami tidak bisa melihat pertolongan, kadang kala kami tidak bisa melihat mujijat, dan melihat dosa begitu menekan kami. Kami berdoa di dalam Nama Yesus bangkitkan iman kami, sehingga kami berjalan dan melihat kemenangan. Kami rela untuk dapat menolong orang lain, berjalan di jalan Tuhan dan tekun mencari Engkau. Terima kasih Bapa kalau ada di antara kami yg berbeban berat, hamba berdoa melalui program ini, di dalam Nama Yesus biarlah mereka melihat kemenangan yg luar biasa. Terima kasih Bapa, terima kasih Yesus, di dalam Nama Tuhan Yesus kami berdoa, haleluya amin!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Risking your life

Risking your life

The people of Zebulun risked their very lives; so did Naphtali on the heights of the field. Judges 5:18, NIV When the call to rise up against the oppressor came, and long awaited freedom finally seemed at least a possibility, the reactions among the people of Israel were very interesting. A majority of them seemed to have no guts for it, no drive to deliver their land out of the hands of the enemy. But there were some exceptions, and it was those exceptions that created history.

Men from some tribes chose to risk their life for a noble task. Their choice wasn’t one of death, but to risk their lives for the sake of their families, for their children and for their future. They weren’t choosing to die, but there was the risk of a slow and painful death. Historical battlefields have been places of gruesome torment and slow death. There’s nothing beautiful about dying in war, even if poets make it sound so, and statues of the dead glorify them. But these people counted the cost, and risked their lives for the hope of freedom.

When the call comes to the people of God to set the captives free, and to proclaim freedom in the land, it has a cost. Some people must step forth, take up the challenge, and face the oppressor. So many people are chained by the enemy. Many have so little hope. Who will go to war for them? The powers of darkness may seem frightening, their grip over people may seem strong, but we have a call from King Jesus to rise up and proclaim freedom. That freedom does have a price, however. We may have to risk our lives to attain what we’re aiming for!

They weren’t choosing to die. They were choosing how to live their lives. They chose to give up the com¬fort of their homes for a time, and to leave their businesses to others. For them the all important thing was to make a change in the history of their nation - not for the sake of the history books, but for the people who were to live that history. And they made it! Their sacrifice wasn’t in vain!

As followers of Christ, we’re called to choose how to live our lives. At times Christians have been too occupied with thoughts of their death – will they live until Jesus returns, or will they have to die and be buried? But more important than the questions about our death, is the question of how we should live our lives. How are you to live your life today? Your choice can mean freedom for someone else! You pay a price, others reap the reward! And you will sing the song of victory!

Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for the supreme sacrifice you made that I might have life. Help me never to so fear death, that I avoid the opportunity of really living for you. Amen.

The Beginning of Wisdom

The Beginning of Wisdom

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. Proverbs 9:10-11, NIV Everyone would like to live longer! Here in this scripture is one of the primary keys for extending the days of our life. But it is not a key that too many people want to use, for using it requires a determination to make sure that God has priority in all of life's choices. The carnal nature and the ways of the world are always opposed to the ways of God and obedience to the Word of God is always at odds with the desires of the flesh.

I frequently hear or read of people whose lives were tragically terminated in needless accidents from drink and driving, or through drugs or a disease that was contracted as a result of their sexual lifestyle. It is easy to see how such people would have lived a lot longer, if a holy fear of grieving the God who loves them had been the motivation of their life choices.

When people know and love the Lord and have a knowledge of Him and His ways, then they will want to carefully plan their lives according to the will of God - for this will be their desire and their joy. And as Nehemiah said, "the joy of the Lord shall be your strength". (Nehemiah 8:10)

When we truly walk in the ways of God, then the days of our life are surely in the hands of the Lord, but if we choose to walk in the paths of the enemy then we are using our free will to give Satan authority over our destiny. For example, Proverbs 6:22-23 tells us that those who go down to the house of the adulteress (or adulterer) are treading a pathway that leads to death. And in Psalm 91 we read that it is those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High who are under His protection, for He becomes their "refuge and fortress".

I passionately believe that when we live in the holy fear of the living God, and walk in His ways, then we are denying the enemy the opportunity to shorten our days through the law of sowing and reaping being applied in our lives (Galatians 6:7-8). None of us can determine just how many our days shall be, but it is good to know we can extend them by taking seriously the scriptural encouragement to live godly lives.

Prayer: Help me, Lord, to always make godly choices in my life so that my days will be extended and the enemy will not be able to use my sinfulness to undermine the work of God in my life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

What is God Like?

What is God Like?

Jesus said, “Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in Heaven”. Matthew 18:10, NKJ ‘What are you drawing Johnny?’ asked his teacher. ‘A picture of God, Miss,’ came the reply. ‘But no-one knows what God is like,’ said the teacher. ‘Well they will when I’ve finished,’ explained Johnny!

Many would really like to know what God’s like. God made man in His own image and likeness, so if we could look at a perfect man we’d be able to find out about God. The only perfect man was Jesus – and if we want to get to know God, we need first to get to know Jesus. The apostle John tells us of Jesus, ‘And we beheld his Glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth’ (John 1:14). Hebrews 1:3 says ‘Jesus is the brightness of His Father’s glory and the express image of His person’.

I’ve met believers who seem to portray what God is like – by the fruit of God’s Spirit in their lives, His love and joy in their faces. You can sense that they spend time with God. When you’re with people you love for a time, you often become like them. And yes, the more time we spend with God, the more we reflect who He is into this broken world.

I was first drawn to the Lord at 14 years of age by the sincere love of a Sunday School teacher, and the obvious joy shining from the face of a young man singing ‘Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine’. Children will often perceive when something is really genuine. May we never give a false picture of what God is like by the way we live our lives. As we receive God’s love, let it change us to become more like Jesus, and so reflect the light of God into the world, just like the moon reflects the sunlight into the dark night.

Of course some hate the light and prefer the darkness and however much you shine out for God, they will hate you for it. But be encouraged, when this happens you’ll find yourself clothed in God’s glory.

Prayer: Lord we worship You for who You are and we love You because You first loved us. ‘Light of the world’ that stepped down into darkness, thank You for revealing Yourself to Your children. Help us to be lights in this dark world that lead people to the True Light. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

The Maze of Life versus the Path of God

The Maze of Life versus the Path of God

I will instruct you (says the Lord) and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress. Psalm 32:8, LB Sometimes life can feel like we’re walking around in a maze. We feel we’re wandering around aimlessly, hoping we’ll find the exit around the next corner - only to find another detour.

We sometimes feel the situation we’re in is never going to end. We’ve done everything we know to do and it just hasn’t helped. We’re overcome. We feel overwhelmed. The breakthroughs that we’re waiting for are just not happening.

It’s encouraging to know that the Lord can see our lives from a very different perspective. He can see the way out of the situation, although we can’t. Is this is an attack from the enemy? Will we be refined? Will this help us to grow in our walk with the Lord?

But the Lord is saying He’ll tell us what to do. As we start handing over the situation to Him we’ll start to understand His heart and we’ll get direction in the situation. It’s wonderful to know He’s watching our progress. The word ‘progress’ means moving forward. So even though the breakthrough may not come at the exact time we would like it to, according to this verse, there will be progress. It’s wonderful to know the Lord has the power to fulfill every promise in His Word.

Prayer:Lord, please teach me to wait for the breakthroughs that You intend for my life. Help me not to become despondent but to hand every situation over to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

As a Little Child

As a Little Child

‘Let the little children come to Me and do not forbid them for of such is the Kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.’ Mark 10:14-15, NKJV What a picture of God! Across the room, you hold out your arms, the young grandchild sees the invitation, runs full whack into your arms and hugs you, and you hug him. He comes with open face, his eyes fixed on yours, at a great speed, and expectant of being received with a full embrace.

What a beautiful picture of how God is with us. His arms are open wide and His invitation is for us to come to Him. This is supposed to be how children learn what God is like and how He loves them from their earthly parents. Unfortunately if there isn’t that parental love it gives a child a distorted view of what God’s like and they may grow up with no idea of His Fatherly love.

But even if our children grow up and turn away from the godly things we’ve taught them, we still love them to bits. So it is with God. Although it hurts God to see people far away, not having any relationship with Him, He still loves them.

Jesus loved us to death – His death on the cross. He longs so much, for us to come back to God. ‘Father, forgive them,’ He cried. Perhaps you, as a parent, would die for your child, you love them so much. As the father in the story of the Prodigal Son was always looking for his son to come home, so God’s always looking for His lost children to come home. As the prodigal son knelt in repentance, his father lovingly embraced him.

God is a ‘restoring God’. He understands the love we have for our children and He hears our prayers for them. Malachi 4:6 says that before the Great Day of the Lord, ‘He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers’. What a wonderful promise to hold on to and how significant that it’s the last verse in the Old Testament. So be encouraged and never give up praying. This is God’s will, so let Him write His prayer on your heart for them, and then praise Him as you bring the prayer before Him.

I love these words of a Graham Kendrick song called ‘God is good’,
And when I think of his love for me, my heart fills with praise and I feel like dancing –
For in his heart there is room for me, and I run with arms opened wide.

Prayer: Dear Lord, May we learn to be open-hearted like little children as we come to You. Help us to trust You completely with everything that concerns us. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

My Son You are Always with Me

My Son You are Always with Me

‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found’. Luke 15:31-32, NIV ‘Not that story again!’ I can almost hear you thinking. Like me, you’ve probably heard countless messages on the prodigal son! I was certainly tempted to skip the story while I was reading through Luke, but something inside told me to read on.

This time, my attention was focused on the father. His younger son (let’s call him Laurel), comes back feeling unworthy, hoping at most to be welcomed back, but certainly not as a son. And well, there is some truth to that. Hasn’t he taken his father’s possessions, then left, without giving him a second glance? However, upon seeing him, his father cuts his little speech short by throwing his arms around his neck. His long lost son has returned!

On the other hand, we have the elder son in our story (let’s call him Hardy). He’s been faithfully slaving for, I mean serving (well, he says ‘slaving for!’) his father, and has stayed with him all his life. He could have asked him for anything he wanted. All his father’s possessions were his! But he didn’t realise it. Somehow, he lived in his father’s house, but outside of his love. Perhaps he even strived to live up to certain expectations or to earn his father’s love. And he was missing out!

So often we can be like these two sons. We may think, like Laurel, that we’re hardly worthy of any love. Or we may strive to please God, hoping to earn His approval – like Hardy? In the story Jesus told, the sons had misjudged their father and didn’t discern the gift of his love. But, like an anchor, he was there for them. Unchangeable. Waiting for the day when… They only had to take a step toward him. Even if it was in fear, in anger or in frustration. He would listen to them.

Prayer: Lord, I don’t want to live far away from You! I don’t want to serve You without knowing You! Please, show me everything You want me to have, and help me to take it. But most of all, show me Your love, and how You always welcome me! Thank You! Amen.

Your Word is a Lamp

Your Word is a Lamp

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105, NIV During a recent holiday in the Swiss Alps, we walked a great deal; through forests, by rivers, up hills, into valleys and across fields. Along the route there were regular sign posts pointing out the different directions with indications of how long the journey would take. In some places there were also markers showing the degree of difficulty of the walk.

As I walked I set to thinking about life and the numerous crossroads we face. On first reflection I wished our life’s path had signposts with indications of direction, time and degree of difficulty. So often life seems anything but clear and the options appear confusing rather than exciting choices. This is especially so when we rely for our choices on our own understanding, knowledge and ‘worldy’ wisdom.

As I reflected further, however, I realised our life’s path really is well signposted after all! God’s Word gives us plenty of guidance and direction. In the Ten Commandments alone, there are several signposts. We’re instructed not to steal, commit adultery, murder (this can be taken to apply to abortion and euthanasia in our modern society) or worship idols (this could be understood in the wider sense of worshipping money, power, success, or our bodies and our minds).

It’s possible to breach all the commandments of God if we rely on our own human understanding, rather than finding out what is acceptable in God’s eyes by studying His Word. As a result we fall into crevasses and over cliffs. They may not be physical crevasses or cliffs, but they certainly are mental, emotional and spiritual ones. At Ellel Ministries we regularly have the privilege of ministering to people who have fallen along the way because they didn’t heed the signposts, sometimes deliberately and sometimes through ignorance. Whatever the cause, they were injured and often badly so.

Through the redeeming work of Jesus on the cross, they have a way out of the crevasse and up the cliff, but it’s frequently a painful and slow climb back. Those we minister to often tell us that they wished they had heeded the signposts in the first place. God’s Word is full of guidance to us for our own well being and protection. It is indeed a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.

Prayer: Father I want to turn to Your Word as a signpost for my life, rather than rely on my own judgment and understanding. Please help me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Canalside Drama!

Canalside Drama!

‘I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in God. Psalm 40:1-3, NIV This morning I watched as a drama unfolded before my very eyes! I was out walking our dog, Harris, when I noticed a cow stuck in the mud on the other side of the canal. It was deeply embedded in the mire, totally unable to move. Immediately, I set off to tell the farmer, but my desire to help was like a prayer to God when he says, ‘Before they call I will answer’ (Isaiah 65:24). For I then saw that the farmer was already on his way!

A tractor was coming across the field, headed straight for the stranded cow. No human effort alone could have got this large and heavy cow out of the mess she was in. So the farmer put a strong rope round the cow’s neck and attached the other end to the front of his tractor. Then, reversing gently away, he pulled the cow out of the mire and dragged her to safe ground. It was rough treatment, but for the cow it was salvation! The cow was very muddy and obviously exhausted, but could now recover from her ordeal in safety.

As I watched the scene unfold, I was reminded of our scripture for today. The whole of the human race was sinking deep in the mire of sin. No human effort could lift humanity out of the mess. Because of the weight of its own sin, mankind was sinking deeper and deeper into the mire. It needed a Farmer with a ‘divine tractor’ to come and take charge.
But instead of the Farmer putting the rope round our necks, it was Jesus who endured the ‘rough treatment’ for us, so that our feet may once again be placed on a rock of certainty. When He rescued us the mud of the world covered us. The cleansing flow of the blood of Jesus is all we need to be cleaned up and released into living a new life with and for Him.

As I watched, the rescued cow struggled to its feet again, to carry on grazing in the field. I realised that the muddy hole was still there and the cow would now have to be careful not to fall back in. The enemy of souls hates it when God’s children are rescued and, like the cow, we must constantly be on our guard not to fall back into the enemy’s mud. Let’s resolve now to stay on the rock and build our lives on the security of His love. And may there be many who will be amazed at what God has done in our lives and as a result choose to put their trust in Him.

Prayer: Thank you for the lessons you show us from our experiences in life. Thank you for rescuing me from the miry clay and for putting my feet on the rock. Help me to stay there, anchored by the security of Your love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Jehu is King!

Jehu is King!

Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. Romans 13:1-2, NLT I was recently impacted by a story I read in 2 Kings 9. Elisha sent a young prophet to anoint a man named Jehu as King of Israel, so that he could destroy the entire family of Ahab. The name of this young prophet remains a mystery and both Jehu and his fellow army officers thought of him as a crazy man who babbled on (2 Kings 9:11)! However, this young prophet did what he was instructed to do by Elisha, and anointed Jehu as king by pouring a vial of olive oil over his head. He then promptly ran out of the house and that’s the last we read of him.

When Jehu later came out of the house, his fellow officers asked what had happened. They were suspicious of what this ‘crazy’ man had said. However, when Jehu told them, they didn’t laugh - they immediately spread their cloaks on the floor, blew a trumpet and shouted, ‘Jehu is King!’ You see, in Old Testament times, when a prophet anointed someone with oil in this way, it was the equivalent of a coronation. God had spoken and it was done - the person was now king. There was huge respect for this. It didn’t mean that the person was perfect or even godly - they were just simply king because God decided it should be that way.

This respect for God-appointed kingship is found throughout the Scriptures. An amazing example is found in 1 Samuel 24 where David decides not to take his opportunity to deal with the injustice of King Saul but rather describes him as the Lord’s anointed one!
As we look at today’s society, however, we can see that this respect for authority has been lost completely. We live in a time where people only respect authority when it agrees with their position on things. How far this is from the culture of the Kingdom of God. Look again at our scripture for today. It reminds us in very simple language, that no-one has a place of authority without God having placed them there.

I don’t know about you, but I find this challenging because we live in a world where there are many ungodly people in positions of authority - but what is our response? Do we rebel, complain and speak curse on them or do we pray for them that they would have the wisdom of the Lord in their decisions. The Lord doesn’t expect us to walk into behaviour that is against His Word if those in authority ask us to. But He does expect us to honour our leaders and to pray for them. We might relate this to our national leaders but it also applies to our boss at work or our church or small group leader. Why not ask the Lord today, to help you see them as He sees them and to honour their position of authority.

Prayer: Help me, Lord, to both respect and pray for those who are in authority over me and to exercise loving wisdom and care in my relationships with those, over whom you have given me authority. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Today's Writer : Andy Taylor Andy Taylor is the Director of Ellel Ministries USA and is a member of the Executive Leadership of Ellel Ministries. He joined the team in 1991 and has served the Lord at Ellel Ministries' Centres in the UK, Australia and now the USA. Andy is married to Cath and they have three boys.

Trust or worry – you can choose!

Trust or worry – you can choose!

Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and your thoughts will also be. Matthew 6:21 NLT What kind of relationship do you have with your wallet? Do you look at it as your provider or as an instrument of blessing in the hand of God?

Lately, God had confronted me in this area. I tend to pinch, literally, every penny, looking for ways to save as much money as I can! I was anxious if I thought I didn’t have enough for the month.

But God confronted me: “Do you think that I’m unable to provide? Just let me into you wallet and watch what I will do – even for you!”

Ultimately God wants our whole, undivided heart. If he finds that money is taking some or all of it he will ask us to lay it down for our own good. Anxiety and fear attaches itself to our heart if we trust in what we have and what we can earn and don’t trust in God to provide.

God is calling us to give Him our whole heart - and our money, or the lack of it, cannot be the one thing hindering this. He wants to give us a much better life and it comes by delighting in Him instead of worrying, then we will have a real peace and joy in our hearts.

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, please forgive me for trusting in what I can see and what I can have - instead of You. I give my whole heart to You now. Please be Lord over my wallet and I give my fears and my anxieties to you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Today's Writer : Tamas Kovacs Tamas Kovacs has been a part of the Ellel work in Hungary since the early 1990s. He joined the staff full-time in 1999, and became the director of the Hungarian centre in 2006. He and his wife lead the work in Hungary, and have a real passion to see the kingdom of God made evident in the local churches.

Dealing with the Broccoli!

Dealing with the Broccoli!

Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowances for each other's faults because of your love. Ephesians 4: 1-2, NLT My little Isaac is 5 years old. For a child with two older brothers he’s remarkably easy going, but poor Isaac has one recurring problem that faces him each day at around 6pm, which causes him enormous distress. You're probably thinking homework, early bedtime, bath time... but no, none of those quite reasonable 5 year old hurdles are his real problem. Isaac's real obstacle comes in the green, yellow or orange pile of nutrition on his dinner plate. His problem? Vegetables.

Vegetables are the bane of Isaac's life. What is normally a great day of fun at school or with friends can be transformed into a moment of sheer torture and anguish by the glimpse of a pan of boiling water on the stove. I think if you asked him, Isaac would declare all vegetables disgusting and to be avoided at all costs, but high (if not highest) on this list of untouchables would be the vilest offender - broccoli!

With this in mind, imagine my surprise a few weeks back when halfway through our evening family meal, I realised that we were no longer enduring the same pleas for negotiations or mercy. Not only were there no protests but there were also no longer any bright green little ‘trees’ on Isaac's plate. When I very calmly asked Isaac where the broccoli had gone, he simply showed me how he’d discovered a secret way to disguise the ‘horrible taste’. The answer for my little guy came in the huge pile of Heinz Tomato Ketchup that sat on his plate. He’d quite merrily covered his broccoli in tomato ketchup to such an extent that when he put it in his mouth all he could taste was yummy, salty, tomatoes!

As adults we may be able to rationalise how and why we have to eat our vegetables. But I wonder what you do in this sort of situation? You have to cope with a person who brings a reaction in you, similar to that which Isaac has with broccoli? I’d be surprised, if we don't all have people in our lives that we struggle with, for one reason or another. They’ve hurt us by rejecting us or offending us in some way. Perhaps they remind us of someone who caused us pain in the past. Maybe they just press buttons in our hearts and we struggle to stay in godly, healthy relationship with them. Whether they’re wrong in the way they’ve treated us, or we struggle to cope with their particular personality - the reality is, as human beings, relationships can be tough sometimes.

We try to cope. We try to figure out ways around the problem. It’s like pushing the person around our plates. We struggle with our emotions and assign blame to others or ourselves. All this seems justified, but it just prolongs the agony. But how about choosing a higher way instead of trying to fix it in our own strength? We could make a choice to forgive them, if that’s appropriate. We could quit looking at their faults and weaknesses and choose to view them through God's eyes. Our heavenly Father loves them as much as He loves us. We could ask Him to pour into our hearts His acceptance, His love and His abundant grace!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Thank You for Your amazing grace in my life. Your never ending love and acceptance of me goes far beyond anything that I deserve. Lord will You give me Your heart for all the people in my life. Will You help me to see them through Your eyes, and will You give me the love and grace I lack in my own strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Are We Hard of Hearing?

Are We Hard of Hearing?

(Christ)...of whom we have much to say, and hard to be explained since you are dull of hearing. Hebrews 5:11, NKJV I suppose subconsciously I realised there might be a problem or I wouldn’t have gone to have the test. True, my children had made odd comments about the television volume but it still shocked me when the hearing test proved beyond doubt that there were some ranges of sounds I just couldn’t hear. Evidently there was damage that had led to a sort of hearing ‘blind-spot’.

I couldn’t help wonder if spiritual ears, the ears of the human spirit, could be damaged in the same way and that’s why some are ‘dull of hearing’ as this verse implies. The hearing specialist told me the physical damage was because of excessive noise in the past and that they caused damage because they weren’t what ears were intended for. So what would be the equivalent for the spiritual ears, I wondered?

Jesus says ‘my sheep hear my voice’. He expects us to listen with spiritual ears that are made to listen to the truthful, loving and gentle voice of Jesus. So, if spiritual ears have been subject to spiritual sounds not intended for them, then this may result in ‘hearing’ damage. So what are these damaging spiritual noises? Perhaps these might include being constantly subjected to a barrage of the enemy’s lies or entering into false worship or perhaps harbouring attitudes of hate, judgment or pride. These are the ‘sounds’ of the enemy’s voice, damaging to spiritual ears intended for words of truth and love.

If we have spiritual hearing loss we could be missing something of what Jesus is saying today. We may be thinking we are hearing OK but actually we’re missing bits of the message!
Perhaps we should invite the Holy Spirit to come and test our spiritual hearing today and if necessary restore and heal the ears of our hearts so we can hear the full message.

Prayer: Jesus we desire to hear Your voice clearly and fully. Help us to be aware of the possibility that we’re suffering from ‘dullness of hearing’ and allow You to cleanse and restore the ears of our hearts. Amen.

The Sword of the Spirit

The Sword of the Spirit

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17, NIV A friend recently commented that she was prone to stabbing herself with the sword of the Spirit, rather than making an impact on the enemy! Part of our armour, or protection, which is described in Ephesians Chapter 6, is the sword, which is like a very large knife, sharp on both sides. It cuts into any enemy argument, lie or attack. But of course we must learn how to handle it correctly, just as we are careful with viciously sharp knives in our home.

It made me smile when my friend said she stabbed herself with the sword of the Spirit. What she meant was this: she had been repeating the Word of God but in her heart she wasn't sure she really meant it. She believed she had to be positive and only speak positive words, so instead of bringing to the Lord Jesus her fears, doubts and discouragements, she tried to ignore them and she ended up quoting Scripture like wishful thinking. Unfortunately it was only her own heart which was being cut. She felt she was hurting herself by denying the reality of what her experience really was.

God doesn't want us to pretend. The belt of truth tells us that (another part of the armour in Ephesians 6). The Word of God is called the sword of the Spirit because we need the Holy Spirit to help us. And remember that he is the Spirit of truth. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth (John 16:13). From that place of reality, when we are being real with God about how we feel, the Holy Spirit will then show us which part of the Word of God to hold on to (which part is the handle of the sword for you today).

God's Word is sharper than any sword and it divides between soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). And it is given to us to stop the enemy from hurting us in any way. The Holy Spirit will teach you how to hold it and use it to defeat everything that comes against you. Everything that makes you feel afraid, low, defeated or distressed. Why not ask him today to show you?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You so much for Your powerful Word. Praise Your name for the blessing I hold in my hands when I read it. Please help me to be real with You in my prayers, and please send Your Holy Spirit to help me as I read and apply Your Word. I would like to learn from You every day. Thank You so much. Amen.
Today's Writer : Grace Marshall Grace Marshall is a Doctor in General Practice near Southampton. In her spare time she is a member of the Ellel Ministries associate ministry team and teacher. Her passion is relationship with God and doing anything that will help other people to find that close relationship too.

How’s Your Soul Getting Along?

How’s Your Soul Getting Along?

To my dear friend Gaius, whom I love in the truth. Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. 3 John 1 and 2, NIV
I’ve just been to watch a football match. My home town team, Blackburn Rovers, were playing Aston Villa in the Premier League. They were not expected to win, but, amazingly, our team came out on top, over a team that are much higher up the league than they are. It was a great win. Before the game, I’d seen the jubilant Aston Villa supporters almost dancing towards the Rovers ground at Ewood Park. They were expecting to win and at that time were feeling great.

But when the match was over the Villa supporters were stunned into silence. Their physical behaviour reflected how they were feeling about their surprise defeat. The Rovers supporters were, of course, jubilant. They were on top of the world. Their team had won and they were going home happy. And so was I. But the Aston Villa supporters were as sick as the proverbial parrot!

This was only a football match, but as I looked at the demeanour of the two groups of supporters I was reminded that how we feel physically, is often directly related to the condition of our soul – to how we are feeling about other things. John totally understood this truth when he wrote to his friend Gaius. He was concerned for Gaius’ health, and so he prayed that Gaius’ body would be as healthy as his soul.

I’ve often had to pray for people who have been ill for a long time. Sometimes with conditions which don’t seem to be responding to any form of medical treatment. At times like this I remember John’s comment about Gaius and start asking a few leading questions about the condition of their soul. Time and again I have quickly discovered that the person has been very unhappy for a whole variety of reasons. Sometimes because of rejection, at other times abuse, occasionally because of betrayal or some form of damaging relationship breakdown. Often there has been bitterness and unforgiveness in the heart against other people. Truth exposed opens the door of healing for the heart.

It never ceases to surprise me how often people get physically healed, when the inner conditions of the soul are brought to the light and have been properly dealt with before the Lord, according to the ways of the Lord revealed in His word. If only our souls could always be kept in good health, I suspect that many of the conditions that people struggle with might also get healed!

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for showing us that there is sometimes a relationship between how I am feeling on the inside and my physical health. Help me to always be sensitive to the inner voice of your Spirit so that I may not allow situations to develop in my soul, that might make me ill. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Today's Writer : Peter Horrobin Peter Horrobin is the Founder and International Director of Ellel Ministries. His cutting edge teaching and compassion for the hurting have been at the heart of Ellel’s ministry throughout its 23 years of development. He is the author of numerous books, most notably Healing Through Deliverance and Living the Life. At present he is busy writing material for Ellel 365, the new online training School which has now been launched. T

God’s Timing

God’s Timing

I am God. At the right time I’ll make it happen. Isaiah 60:22, The Message.
In this instantaneous age we have come to expect almost everything to happen at the touch of a button. We don’t appear to be able to wait for anything anymore. Patience seems to be disappearing from our words and our thinking.

As Christians we need to be careful not to be sucked into the mindset of the world where only the quickest is considered the best. Even our God, who is outside of time, took an extended period to create the world, whereas no doubt He could have created it all instantaneously!

God demonstrates such patience as He waits for each of us His children to turn and make our way back to Him. But do we then expect Him to respond instantly to our desires and prayers? It seems we continually have to be reminded that God’s timing and His ways are so different from ours, but they are so right.

I recall some years ago we took matters into our own hands, due to our impatience in waiting for the Lord to show us the next step. (It was similar to the Abraham and Ishmael incident). We had sold our house and we went and bought another one only to find within weeks that the Lord was actually moving us on and out of that area. If only we had waited to hear from Him. We moved to a house that we were only in for three months. It was a costly lesson, but one we have never forgotten!

Recently I was reminded of Elijah. When he was praying for rain, he sent his servant many times to look for a sign of rain (1 Kings 18:42-44). It was only on the seventh occasion that the servant returned with a positive report. What patience and perseverance they both had! May we all learn to use the time we save by using instantaneous devices, to wait on the Lord for His timing in the things of life that really matter!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, forgive us for always being in such a hurry and expecting You to act according to our timetable and schedule. Help us to use our time wisely and wait on You. Amen.
Today's Writer : Malcolm Wood Malcolm Wood and his wife Anna became part of the Ellel family as House Managers at Ellel Grange in 1990. Since then they have been involved with many aspects of the developing Ministry. In 2001 they became Directors of Ellel Scotland where now at Blairmore House they host several International Schools and Operation Blairmore.They have three sons.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Overcoming my fear

Overcoming my fear

The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5-7, NIV Do you struggle with fear? It’s distressing, consumes our emotional energy and distracts us. It can also make us feel that we’re not living the victorious life Jesus promises. The fear seems to come unexpectedly through a chance comment made by someone, through something we see or read or through a thought that comes to our mind. Before we realize it, the fear has taken a hold of us.

I was recently in a situation that made me fearful. I was able to recognize it for what it was; an ungodly fear. I determined to deal with it rather than give in to it and become its ‘victim’. I read Scriptures. I renounced the fear when it took hold of me and I claimed the victory I had in Christ Jesus. To no avail! I remained fearful. No wonder, because although I was using Godly weapons in my battle, I was doing it all in my own strength.

Much to my dismay, I discovered that my strength is actually not very strong. Finally, I did what I should have done in the first place. I went before the Lord. I told Him about my fear, which He knew about anyway. I confessed trying to deal with it in my own strength and asked Him to help me overcome it. It was not long after this that, while reading an article that Philippians 4:5-7 jumped out at me. I knew that it was God speaking to me and that He was giving me the verses He wanted to use in helping me overcome my fear.

The Lord is near. He felt close, not far away, as sometimes in the past. Do not be anxious about anything – Because His Spirit was speaking to my spirit, I could receive this instruction.

In everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. I presented my prayers to God. I told Him exactly what was on my mind, what I was afraid of and why. I was open with Him and also with myself as I spelled out my story.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. This is exactly what happened. His peace came and I was able to rest in it in a way I had not been able to do when I strove in my own strength to muster up His peace rather than ask Him for it. It is now more than six weeks later and I can testify to the fear no longer having a hold over me.

So the lesson I learnt, and which I share, is that when I feel fearful again, I will take my fear to the Lord and ask His help in overcoming it.

Prayer: Thank You Father that, in You, I can overcome my fear. Today I bring You my fear and ask that You will help me deal with it. May my spiritual ears and eyes be open to Your leading and may I be obedient to You. Thank You that in and through You I have the victory over fear. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Today's Writer : Margaret Southey Margaret Southey is a wife, mother and grandmother. She has had a career in education. Her passion is to understand the truth of God’s Word and to share it with others. She is part of the ministry and teaching team of Ellel, Africa.

My Son You are Always with Me

My Son You are Always with Me

‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found’. Luke 15:31-32, NIV ‘Not that story again!’ I can almost hear you thinking. Like me, you’ve probably heard countless messages on the prodigal son! I was certainly tempted to skip the story while I was reading through Luke, but something inside told me to read on.

This time, my attention was focused on the father. His younger son (let’s call him Laurel), comes back feeling unworthy, hoping at most to be welcomed back, but certainly not as a son. And well, there is some truth to that. Hasn’t he taken his father’s possessions, then left, without giving him a second glance? However, upon seeing him, his father cuts his little speech short by throwing his arms around his neck. His long lost son has returned!

On the other hand, we have the elder son in our story (let’s call him Hardy). He’s been faithfully slaving for, I mean serving (well, he says ‘slaving for!’) his father, and has stayed with him all his life. He could have asked him for anything he wanted. All his father’s possessions were his! But he didn’t realise it. Somehow, he lived in his father’s house, but outside of his love. Perhaps he even strived to live up to certain expectations or to earn his father’s love. And he was missing out!

So often we can be like these two sons. We may think, like Laurel, that we’re hardly worthy of any love. Or we may strive to please God, hoping to earn His approval – like Hardy? In the story Jesus told, the sons had misjudged their father and didn’t discern the gift of his love. But, like an anchor, he was there for them. Unchangeable. Waiting for the day when… They only had to take a step toward him. Even if it was in fear, in anger or in frustration. He would listen to them.

Prayer: Lord, I don’t want to live far away from You! I don’t want to serve You without knowing You! Please, show me everything You want me to have, and help me to take it. But most of all, show me Your love, and how You always welcome me! Thank You! Amen.
Today's Writer : Claudia Chaigne Claudia Chaigne studied translation and media before working with Youth With a Mission for a few years. She came to know Ellel Ministries and God’s healing through translating the courses at Ellel France. She now works at Ellel Grange, where she is translating Ellel 365 into French. She has a wonderful family who all love God. Related Links Living as Children of the Father - Teaching CD Ellel 365 - Online Training School

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