Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cooking for the Ladies...

This was few months back...the Ladies Fellowship in our church requested me to demonstrate how to cook Indonesian here are some pictures of the day..I showed these ladies how to cook Indo food for their families...

  • Entree : Soto Bandung
  • Main : Beef Satay with Lontong
  • Dessert : Pisang goreng

It was such a great day and I got more than them I think from researching the recipes, trialing it at home, and demonstrating to these ladies whom I'm sure know so much more about cooking...^_^

Friday, June 15, 2007

Mother's day

May 2007 is Mother's day. A day to really be grateful and remind ourselves what our Mums has done for us...

The little chn at church sang beautifully about their Mums

"Mummy my darling, Mummy my dear

I love you, I love you

Each day of the year

You are so sweet

And you are so kind

And I am so glad

That you are mine"

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers around the world...

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Good Fri is when we remember what Christ has done for us. This was taken on Good Fri 2007 before we go marching...